e-STS : Search Here

Sunday, May 28, 2023

How e-Commerce Works


E-Commerce is concerned with internal and external business process communicating with each other.  Any such communication is essentially an exchange of data between two computers with only a few clicks of the mouse.

E-Commerce transactions are essential quite simple.  Any one can execute such transactions with minimal knowledge of the system and its working.

Example for Online Book Purchase

We want to buy a book.  We should know the title of the book, name of author(s) or the publisher.  We will first go to a ‘Search Engine’ like Google, Yahoo, Excite, Infoseek, Lycos and Search for the title of the book, its author or its publisher. The search engine will present a number of web sites for review.  We will visit a webs site and after confirming all the details, proceed to place the order.  Before we commence the process of placing the order, the protocol ‘HTTP; changes to ‘HTTPS’ and there is an icon of a key at the left hand bottom corner of the browser window to confirm that the web site is secure fort the transaction.

Internet Explorer

However, each browser has different from of security icon, Take Netscape Navigator, it has a padlock icon on the bottom left hand side of its status bar.  The open icon means pages are not secure and the closed means they are secure.  If you need to find information regarding the security status of the pages just click on the icon.  The Internet Explorer displays a lock icon on the bottom left-hand side of its status bar.  Some browsers do have a key icon which is either complete or broken depending on whether it is secure or insecure.

How e-Commerce Works

Customer Information

We now require to type in the name of credit card company, credit card number, expiry date, name of the cardholder, e-Mail address, mailing address, contact telephone number, title of the book, amount to be charged to the credit card etc., 

Now is the stage when all of us shudder and begin to ask a number of questions ?

  • What will happen to my information ?

  • Who will have access to it ?

  • Can it be misused in the future ?

  • Will the wrong amount be charged to my account ?

  • Will I receive the book I have ordered ?
  • What if I don’t get the book ?

  • What if I don’t get the book on time ?

  • What do I do if I am overcharged ?

Well, the answers to most of these questions and some others lie in understanding the technologies that make e-commerce a secure and hassle free experience. 

Good Programming Coding Practices

Coding Practices

There are some commonly used programming practices that help in avoiding the common errors.  The Good Practice for Coding is Use Note Book Problem Solving First and then to Type Coding in Computer. Writing  These are enlisted below :

  1. Control Construct,

  2. Use of gotos,

  3. Information hiding,

  4. Nesting,

  5. User Defined Data Types,

  6. Module Size,

  7. Module Interface,

  8. Side effects,

  9. Robustness,

  10. Switch case with defaults,

  11. Empty catch  block,

  12. Empty if and while statement,

  13. Check for end return,

  14. Return from Finally Block,

  15. Trusted Data Sources,

  16. Correlated Parameters,

  17. Exceptions Handling.

Coding Practices

Coding Standards

Any Good Software Development approach suggests to adhere to some well-defined standards or rules for coding.  These rules are called coding Standards.

  1. Naming Conventions,

  2. Filters,

  3. Commenting / Layout,

  4. Statements,

  5. Advantages of Coding Standards.

  6. Coding standards brings uniform appearance in system implementation,

  7. The code becomes readable and hence can be understood easily,

  8. The coding standard helps in adopting good programming practices.


Refactoring is defined as a change made to the internal structure of software for better understanding and performing cheaper to modifications without changing system's behavior.

CompTIA A+ Security Certificate

Security Plus Certification

  • One of the most popular computer certifications is the A+ Certification.
  • This Certification shows that you have the knowledge to troubleshoot, repair and upgrade computers.  Like any computer certification, being able to compliment it with work experience will go a long way.     
  • The CompTIA A+ Certification is a great certification to kick-start IT Career.
  • This Certification can prove your knowledge and skills necessary for a career in PC support.
  • This international, vendor-neutral certification proves your competency in areas like software installation, preventative maintenance, computer networking, computer and network security, and troubleshooting.
  • Being vendor-neutral gives certified professionals advantages when working with hardware from multiple vendors.
  • The A+ exam will also test you on basic customer service and communication skills.
  • You must pass both the CompTIA A+ Essentials and CompTIA A+ Practical Application exams to become A+ Certified.
  • CompTIA A+ Essential’s tests for technical understanding of computer technology, networking and security, as well as the communication skills and professionalism now required of all entry-level IT Professionals.
  • CompTIA A+ Practical Application is an extension of the knowledge and skills identified in CompTIA A+ Essentials, with more of a “hands-on” orientation focused on Scenarios in Which troubleshooting and tools must be applied to resolve problems. 
  • After becoming A+ certified some positions you might be able to land could include enterprise technician, field service technician, PC or support technician, and IT administrator.CompTIA A+ Certification
  • CompTIA A+ is also part of the Certification track for corporations like Microsoft, HP and Cisco.
  • Other technology companies, including Dell, Intel, Lenovo, and Ricoh, have made CompTIA A+ certification mandatory for their service technicians.
  • The US Department of Defense recognizes CompTIA A+ and the Department of Homeland Security requires it as part of their computer forensics program.
  • Most companies today recognize CompTIA’s A+ Certification as a indicator that a person has at least entry-level skills.

How To Write A Content For Client

Create a Content for Client Briefly

In some cases, when you’re creating the content for someone’s site you need the most specific
guidance you can get from your client. Even if you’re writing text for your own personal site, your job will be easier if you have a clear idea of the image you want to convey.  

Here are some questions :

  1. What are the short-term and long-term objectives of the site ? For example, do you want to promote immediate online sales to visitors who will become repeat customers ?

  2. What are the demographics, values, attitudes, and lifestyles of your desired audience ? If you’re aiming at under-30s but your cultural references and values statements are all straight our of the
    1960s, you’re in trouble. (Take the “Environics 3SC Survey” to get a sense of your own social values.)

  3. What personality traits should the site convey through its tone and manner ? A breezy style on a site for public-health professionals may drive away the visitors you want.  But a personal blog should convey your own personality, whether breezy, angry or meditative.

  4. What do your current visitors think of the site in its present form ? If you don’t know, you’d better find out.  A brief, easy-to-do survey could save you a lot of time and trouble.

  5. What is the general impression you want visitors to gain after they’ve spent some time on the site ? If you’re a freelance accountant, you certainly want visitors to think you’re highly skilled, very professional, and easily accessible.

  6. What kinds of content will foster a positive perception among visitors ? Maybe it’s constant updates, or achieves of hard-to-find historical data, or documents and forms that make it easy for
    visitors to do what they came for.
    Create a Content for Client Briefly

  7. About how much of your current site can be reused ?
    And do you need to revise or edit that old content ? This question can force you to look at existing content much more critically, instead of shoveling it back in just because it’s available.

  8. What are your desired start and completion dates ?  These should be realistic but not too generous – a looming deadline can inspire more work than a far-off one.

  9. What activities would you like visitors to take part in on the site ? Do you want them to join chats, put items in a shopping cart, take a quiz, download materials ?

  10. What “gifts” or services can you offer visitors ? Web culture loves free stuff, so even a business site should give away something – if only a ticket for a 10 percent discount on your first 
    purchase.  Special-interest sites often form “rings” that enable visitors to jump to related sites.  Such visitors clearly appreciate the

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