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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Content Writing By Bullets For Web

Use Bulleted Lists for Content Writing

As readers, we’re used to sentences on paper with long lists of nouns, verbs qand phrases.  On the monitor such sentences become harder to read and harder to respond to.  This can be a problem in an interactive medium such as the Web.

Bullets, then, have several functions for Web Writers :

  • They focus attention on important points.

  • They organize the content, often serving as a preview or summary of material.

  • They improve the design of your page.

The media have given us some of their own occupational slang, like “sound bite”, but trendy clichés usually come from the occupations and professions most studied by the chattering classes :


Use for Bottom line, deep pockets, downsizing.


Use for Bite the bullet, in the trenches, breakthrough, flak,


Use for Parameters, State of the Art, Leading Edge, Reinventing the Wheel.


Use for Team Players, Ballpark figures, Level playing fields, track records.

Use Bulleted Lists for Content Writing


Use for Charisma, spin doctors, bandwagons, momentum,

Self help Movement

Use for Self Actualizing holistic, meaning full, one day at a time, wellness.

Bulleted lists offer a couple of other advantages

  • Keep bulleted lists parallel in form.  That is, make every item a sentence ending in a period, or make every item a similar kind of phrase, without end punctuation,

  • Bulleted lists should be short, six or seven bullets are probably the maximum,

  • Bulleted lists may introduce a longer discussion of the topics mentioned, or may provide links to other sites dealing with the topics.

  • Think about  the length of the items in a bulleted lists,

And a Small Point

You have a huge number of bullet types to choose form black circles, boxes, check marks, ad so on.  Keep your bullets simple and discreet.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Security Tech For Computer

Major Technologies that Provide Security

The following are the major technology components :


  • It is a device that selectively discriminates against information flowing into or out of organization.
  • Firewalls can be implemented in both hardware and software or a combination of both.

  • Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets.

  • All messages entering or leaving the intranet pass through the firewalls, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria.

  • It is also a device or set of devices configured to permit, deny, encrypt, decrypt or proxy all computer traffic between different domain based upon a set of rules and other criteria.

  • The gateway router connects the organizations system with the outside world.

  • It will allow only a few types of protocols to enter.

  • The types of firewalls includes : Network Level Firewalls, Circuit-Level Firewalls, Application Level Firewalls, Stateful Multi Level Firewalls.

  • A Firewall can be a single device or a firewall subnet that consists of multiple firewalls creating a buffer inside and outside the network.

Demilitarized Zone

  • A DMZ (demilitarized zone) is a computer host or small network inserted as a “neutral zone” between a company’s private network and the outside public network.

  • It prevent outside users from getting direct access to a server that has company data.

  • It is no-man’s a land between inside and outside networks where some organizations place Web Servers.
    Technologies that Provide Security

  • The purpose of a DMZ is to add an additional layer of security to an organization’s local area network (LAN), an external attacker only has access to equipment in the DMZ, rather than any other part of the network.

Proxy Servers

  • They intercept all messages entering and leaving the network.

  • The proxy server effectively hides the true network addresses.

  • They perform action on behalf of another system in the network.

  • The outside client will not know whether the requested web page is from proxy system or the original system.

  • They give access to the requested web page but do not allow them to directly gain access to the internal network.

  • The more frequently accessed pages are stored temporarily in Cache Servers.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

IRDAI Insurance Work for Professionals

IRDAI Professional Program


A Institute named Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India Situated in Survey No. 115/1, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad is Providing Program for the Young Candidates.


  • Application for Young Professional Program,

Program Details

IRDAI invites to provide an exceptional opportunity to qualified and motivated young individuals to work on important initiatives which IRDAI and assist in the policy analysis and development of the Indian Insurance Sector.

Ref: IRDAI/GA&HR/YPP/08/2023,

Date : 12-08-2023.

It is a Selective program where the individuals will work,


  • Finance and Investment,

  • Law and

  • Technology.

More Info

For More Complete Details,

  • Eligibility,

  • Terms and Conditions, etc.,

IRDAI Professional Program

Easy Link

Please Refer to the IRDAI Website : www.irdai.gov.in under  Career/Notifications/vacancies.

(P.S. Jagannatham),

CGM (General Admin and HR).


Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India,

Survey No. 115/1, Financial District,


Hyderabad – 500 032.

Phone Number : 040-20204000,

Website : www.irdai.gov.in.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

How SSL Protocol Works

SSL Secure Socket Layer

A quick review of the encryption technologies that secret key encryption and public key encryption are the basic methods of encryption while digital signatures and digital certificates help in authenticating the public key used in public key encryption.

Public Key Encryption

The secret key encryption methodology is strongly recommended for encrypting large messages as it provides fast and easy encryption and decryption.  It comes with its shortcoming of the secret key having to be passed across the receiver.  To work around this problem is to encrypt the secret key using public key encryption.  The public key used is authenticated using digital certificates.

Security Design

A pragmatic security design consists of a secret-key encryption nested within a public key encryption, authenticated through the use of certificates.  Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is an implementation of this security design as a protocol.

Secure Transaction

Secure Socket Layer was developed by Netscape and has become a standard.  Most web servers and web browsers support it.  It has been found to be particularly useful for e-Commerce and is currently the most widely used method for performing secure transaction on the web.  This protocol uses the RSA public key encryption.

How Does SSL Work ?

Here are the steps followed by SSL Protocol.

  • The client (essentially the browser) sends a request for a document to be transmitted using the https protocol.  This is done implicitly through a link, a form or any other such means that requests for a document URL that being with https:// instead of http://.  This sets SSL at the client and server ends into action.

  • The server sends its digital certificate to the client.  The digital certificate is an encryption of its public-key and the signature of the certificate authority.

  • The client receives the digital certificate of the server and verifies its credentials.

  • The client informs the server which cryptographic algorithms it can use for communication.

  • The server matches this list with its own list of algorithms and choose the strongest one and informs the client about it.

  • The Client generates a secret-key and encrypts it with the public-key of the server and sends it to the server.  This key is also called the session-key as it is used for encryption and decryption of the message until it is completely communicated or the communication is terminated.

  • The server receives the encrypted session-key and decrypts it with its private key.

  • All other communication goes on as usual except that it is encrypted using the session key.
How Does SSL Work ?


The SSL is an intermediate layer between the TCP / IP and application programmes (mostly the browser).  It is generally an integral part of the browser and the server software.  It should not be thought that SSL could only be used over Internet or exclusively with browsers.  It is widely used in a large number of application and private networks.  This it not bound to web pages and is only used when preparing to send sensitive information.

SSL provides a mechanism for handling security automatically inspite of using complex encryption technologies.

The responsibility fulfilled by SSL is limited.  It ensures that the transmission of data between the server and the client is private, integrated and authentic.  Once the data arrives at its destination, it is no longer secure.  

Credit Card and SSL

For example, when you send credit card information over the net through SSL., it is secure till it is delivered at the merchant’s server.  It is now the merchant’s responsibility to handle it safely and securely.

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