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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Light House of Pharos Tourism Places

The Light House of Pharos in Alexandria World Wonder Tourist Place 

King Ptolemy II of Egypt built a very high light house in 280 BC on the island of Pharos in Alexandria.
It stood 440 feet (130 m) high.  

This light house was considered a technological triumph and an archetype for all modern lighthouses. King Ptolemy II commissioned, Sostratus of Cnidus to build the light house. It was built in three states, all sloping slightly inward. The lowest was a square, the next octagonal and the top cylindrical. A broad spiral ramp led to the beacon at the top, where a fire burned at night. The lighthouse was surmounted on the top by a huge statue of the Sun God Helios representing either Alexander the Great or Ptolemy I soter. The beacon was visible to ships more than 25 miles (45 km) out in the Mediterranean

Legend also holds that on the of the lighthouse a huge mirror was fitted. In the mirror, it was possible to see what was happening in Constantinople, which was right across the Eastern Mediterranean. It is also said that the mirror was used to focus the sun rays on enemy ships and burn them up. 

The lighthouse of Pharos continued to light ships to Alexandria for nearly 900 years. The arabs captured the city and dismantled the light house, in search of treasures believed to be buried under it. In 1477 the Mamluk Sultan Qait Bay built a fort from the ruins. 

The ruins of the light house, some great white marble stones still lie in the harbour.  

Goddess Artemis Diana Temple World Wonder Tourist Place 

The most important of the twelve lonian cities of Asia Minor, near the Aegeon Coast (in Modern Turkey) was the ancient greek city of Ephesus.  Ephesus was a centre of worship of the goddess Artemis or Diana, daughter of Zeus. Artemis was the goddess of chastity and hunters. At Ephesus, she was worshipped as the goddess of fertility. ( Her statue was believed to have fallen from heaven). It was built in 350 BC and finished by th end of that century. The roof was supported by great stone columns 60 feet high and inside were some of the finest works of Greek artists, including the sculptors Pheidias and Praxiteles. It was built by Croesus, King of Lydia it was burnt down by a madman Herostratus. 

The rebuilding was carried out by the joint efforts of all the Ionian cities of the Asia Minor. Ladies sold their jewellery and paid for the rebuilding.  The new temple was completed in 323 BC. It was 341 feet (104 metres) by 164 feet (50 metres), and had 127 marble columns more than 60 feet (18 metres high).

The Light House of Pharos in Alexandria Tourism Places

The temple of Artemis

had many great admirers. One writer put it at the top of the list of the world's wonders: "I have seen the hanging gardens of old Babylon, the statue of Olympian Jove (Zeus), the Colossus of Rhodes, the great labour of the lofty pyramids, and the ancient tombs of Mausolus, but when I beheld the temple
at Ephesus, towering to the clouds, all these other marvels were eclipsed". 

Another writer wrote, "The temple surpasses every structure raised by human hands".  

Alexander the Great, the temple's greatest admirer offered to pay for the entire cost of rebuilding the temple. The Ephesians refused, saying that it was not right for one God to pay for another God. The painting of Alexander on his horse was commissioned from the artist Apelles and hung in the temple. Legend holds that Alexander was not happy with the painting but was satisfied when his horse neighed at the painting, obviously recognising the rider. 

The great admirers of Artemis, from many countries, gave rich treasures as offerings to the temple. The temple  became so rich that it was called, "a common treasury for all Asia".  

This magnificent temple was ran sacked and destroyed by the goths in 262 AD. The site of the temple was buried by the changing course of a river. All that is left are a few fragments of its
columns in the British Museum.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon Tour Places

Hanging Gardens of Babylon Tourist Place 

Over four thousand years ago Babylon was already the capital of one of the world's first great empires - "old Babylonia". Babylonia was the largest city in the world covering 10,000 hectares. River Euphrates flower through it. (Now its course has shifted). In 626 B.C Chaldean ruler Nabopolassar made himself king of Babylon. He built mighty walls around the city of Babylon. These walls were called "The Walls of Babylon" and is said to have been 335 feet in height. Some consider this the second wonder of the world.  

After Nabopolassar, his son Nebuchandnezzar II (605-561 B.C) became king of Babylon. During his reign, Babylon exceeded its old glory.  He continued the great work of his father and added fortresses and strong points along the walls. A great bridge was built across the River Euphrates, and also a beautiful, fortified royal palace, towering over the rest of the city.  

The hanging gardens of Babylon are not really hanging, but were roof gardens. They were laid out on a series of rising terraces, irrigated by pumps. (probably Archimedian scresws worked by slaves) from the River Euphrates. The series of terraces were built in the form
of a pyramid, and every Lerrace was planted with trees and flowers from all parts of the world. These plants hid the framework of the building and appeared to be hanging in the air without any support, and were called, "The Hanging Gardens". 

According to the legend, Nebuehad-nezzar married many princesses of the surrounding kingdoms. One of his wives was Semiramis, the princess of the Medes. The Median army had helped Nebuchadnezzar defeat the Assyrians. 

Queen Semiramis, missed the hills of her Persian homeland. Nebuchadnezzar built the
hanging gardens to please his queen.  

The Hanging Gardens rose to a height of about 328 feet (100 metres) and were surrounded by a reinforcing wall 23 feet (seven metres) thick. Wide marble staircases connected the terraces, which were supported by rows of arches. The flower beds were made of stone e lined with lead, and then filled with soil. 

On the top terrace a series of cisterns fed the fountains, waterfalls and streams which kept the gardens watered.  

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were undoubtedly a marvel and wonder of architecture and hydraulic engineering. 

Sadly, 22 years after Nebuchandnezzar's death the new Babylonian empire fell to the Persian emperor. Cyrus the Great. Today all that is left of them is the remains of a wall and one or two arches. 

Hanging Gardens of Babylon Tourist Place

Chephren Pyramids of Egypt Tourist Place 

Cheop's Pyramid is surrounded by rows of low, flat tombs called 'mastabas' and three small pyramids in which his family and high officials were buried. By the South wall is an underground chamber, discovered in 1954. Which contained Cheops funeral ship untouched since being placed there 4600 years before.  

The Pyramid of Chephren, the second great pyramid, lies to the South-West of the great Pyramid and is only slightly smaller 460 feet (140 metres) high and 709 feet (216 metres) square, with a slightly steeper angle of elevation. Unlike Cheops Pyramid, which has the top lime stone facing completely stripped off, the Pyramid of Chephren has its limestone facing intact. 

The third and the smallest Giza Pyramid, lies South West of the Pyramid of Chephren. It is
the Pyramid of Mycerinus. It is 354 feet square (108 metres) and 230 feet (70 metres) high, and needed less than 1/10th of the limestone used for each of the other pyramids. It was faced both in pink granite and limestone. 

Apart from its pyramids, "The Sphinx" is the most famous feature of Giza. It is carved out of Rock in the form of a lion with a human head. It was a portrait of Chephren. It was also considered to be representing the Sun God and was worhipped. 

The Sphinx is 66 feet (20 metres) high and 240 feet (73 metres) long. It guards the way to
the Pyramid of Chephren.  

The evolution of the Pyramids, is related to the Egyptian Sun worship. For them a Pyramidal shapped stone represented the Sun God and was called "ben ben". 

Its slanting sides represented the sun's rays and was regarded as the stairway for the dead
king to reach heaven. The Egyptians believed that the soul of the deceased takes time to reach the heavenly destination after death and they did their best to help their pharoahs, even after life. They treated and worshipped their kings life Gods. 

In the burial chamber along with the mummyfield dead body in its sarcophagus, great treasures of Gold and Silver were kept along with large supplies of food and clothing. sometimes even the personal servants were also buried along with the Pharoah so
that they can serve him in the after life also.  

The walls of the burial chambers were elaborately decorated with paintings and pyramid texts in hierographics. They consisted of collection of Egyptian mortuary prayers, hymns and spells intended to protect a dead King or Queen and ensure life and sustenance in the life after death and even some magical spells. 

Egyptians had many Gods in human, animal and material forms representing the powers of nature and abstrat ideas. These Gods were also pained on the walls of the burial chambers. 

Also, "The book of the dead" was placed beside the dead body. It contained spells written on papyrus. These texts constitute the oldest surviving body of religious and funeral writing available to modern scholars. 

The famous pyramids of Giza still stand as a monument to the great civilization of the Egyptian Pharoahs many enturies ago.

How To Get Profit in Share Market

As An Investment Vehicle

There are many inherent advantages of commodity futures as an investment vehicle over other investment alternatives such as savings accounts, stocks, bonds, options, real estate and collectibles.

The primary attraction, of course, is the potential for large profits in a short period of time.  The reason that failures trading can be so profitable is leverage.

While profits can be large in commodity trading, it is not easy to make consistently correct decisions about what and when to buy and sell.

Profit on Trade

Commodity speculation offers an important advantage over such illiquid vehicles as real estate and collectibles.  The balance in your account is always available.  If you maintain sufficient margin, you can even spend your current profit on a trade without closing out the position.  With stocks, bonds and real estate, you can’t spend your gains until you actually sell the investment.

Stocks and Mutual Funds

As you will see, commodity trading is not particularly complicated.  Unlike the stock market where there are over ten thousand potential stocks and mutual funds, there are only about forty viable futures markets to trade.  Those markets cover the gamut of market sectors, however, so you can diversify throughout important segments of the world economy.

Share Market Profit

Futures Markets

In futures trading, it is as easy to sell as it is to buy.  By choosing correctly, you can make money whether prices go up or down.  Therefore, trading a diversified portfolio of futures markets offers the opportunity to profit from any potential economic scenario.  Regardless of whether we have inflation or deflation, boom or depression, hurricanes, droughts, famines or freezes, there is always the potential for profit trading commodities.

Capital Gains

There are even tax advantages to making your money from futures trading.  Regardless of the actual holding period, commodity profits are automatically taxed as sixty percent long-term capital gains and forty percent short-term capital gains.  The current maximum Capital gains rate is thirty-three percent, somewhat less than the maximum rate for ordinary income.  To the extent that capital gains tax rates are reduced in the future, commodity traders will benefits.  It a distinction is re-established so that taxes on long term gains are lower than on short-term gains, commodity traders will benefit.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Pollachi TN Open University Admission

Tamilnadu Open University Courses

About University

A University named Tamilnadu Open University is Situated in Tamilnadu, India is provides UG, PG, Diploma, PG Diploma and Vocational Diploma Programmes for the student candidate.

Admission Open For Academic Year.

Bachelor Degree Programmes

  • BA Tamil,
  • BA English,
  • BA Tamil Literature,
  • BA English and Communication,
  • BA History,
  • BA History and Heritage Management,
  • BA Tourism and Travel Studies,
  • BA Political Studies,
  • BA Criminology and Criminal Justice Administration,
  • B.Com,
  • B.Com (Accounting and Finance)
  • B.Com (Bank Management)
  • B.Com (Corporate Secretary-ship).
  • B.Com (Computer Application)
  • BBA,
  • BBA (Marketing Management),
  • BBA (Retail Management)
  • BBA (Computer Applications)
  • B.Sc Mathematics,
  • B.Sc Mathematics with Computer Application
  • B.Sc Physics,
  • B.Sc Chemistry,
  • B.Sc Botany,
  • B.Sc Zoology,
  • B.Sc Psychology,
  • B.Sc Multimedia,
  • B.Sc Visual Communication,
  • B.Sc Apparel and Fashion Design / LE,
  • B.Sc Computer Science,
  • BCA (Lateral),
  • B.S.W,
  • B.P.A Drama and Theatre Studies.

Master Degree Programmes

  • M.A. Tamil
  • M.A English,
  • M.A Linguistics,
  • M.A History,
  • M.A Tourism and Travel Studies,
  • M.A Political Science,
  • M.A Public Administration,
  • M.A Human Rights,
  • M.A Police Administration,
  • M.A Sociology,
  • M.A Anthropology,
  • M.A Women Studies,
  • M.A. Economics,
  • M.A Islamic Studies,
  • M.A Criminology and Criminal Justices Administration,
  • M.Com,
  • MBA,
  • MBA Hospital Administration,
  • MBA Logistics Management,
  • M.BA Shipping and Logistic Management,
  • M.Sc Mathematics,
  • M.Sc Physics,
  • M.Sc Chemistry,
  • M.Sc Botany,
  • M.Sc Zoology,
  • M.Sc Psychology,
  • M.Sc Geography,
  • M.Sc Counseling and Psycho Therapy / NP / LE,
  • M.Sc Apparel and Fashion Design,
  • M.Sc Computer Science,
  • MCA (Lateral),
  • M.S.W,
  • M.L.I.Sc

TN Open University Course Admission, Pollachi
Diploma Programmes

  • Diploma in Media Art,
  • Diploma in Archaeology and Epigraphy,
  • Diploma in Wild Life Tourism;
  • Diploma in Apparel Industry Technology,

PG Diploma Programmes

  • PG Diploma in Spoken English,
  • PG Dip in Psychological Counseling (NP),

Certificate Course

  • Certificate in Entrepreneurship Development.

Vocational Diploma Programmes

  • Vocational Dip in Beautician,
  • Vocational Dip in Fashion Design and Garment Marking
  • Vocational Dip in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning,
  • Vocational Dip in Four Whether Mechanism,
  • Vocational Dip in DTP Operator,
  • Vocational Dip in Computer Applications,
  • Vocational Dip in Computer Hardware Servicing
  • Vocational Advanced Diploma in General Duty Assistant,
  • Vocational Advanced Diploma in General Duty Assistant / LE,
  • Vocational Dip in Catering Assistant,
  • Vocational Dip in House Electrician,
  • Vocational Dip in Acupressure Therapist,
  • Vocational Dip in Animation,
  • Vocational Dip in Early Childhood Care and Education (Kindergarten),

Distance Education for B.Ed and M.Ed


Tamilnadu Open University,

Website : www.tnou.ac.in

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