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Showing posts with label What is Synopsis. Show all posts

Friday, May 12, 2023

How to Write a Synopsis for a Projects

Synopsis for a Projects of Computer Science Student 

Synopsis of the Developing System 

The Students of Computer Course Studying want to do their Mini Project and Final Semester Project. The Students have to Choose a Project Title for the Developing System. In that the Student
have to Prepare a Documentation for the Developing System. In that one of the Documentation is a Synopsis. 

What is Synopsis ? 

A Synopsis is a Full Document which is a Brief Explanation about the Developing System. A Synopsis Shows what is the Developing System, Technologies Used, Modules Created etc., 

Computer Science Students 

The Students of Computer Course Studying want to do their Mini Project and Final Semester Project. The Students have to Choose a Project Title for the Developing System. In that the Student
have to Prepare a Documentation for the Developing System. In that one of the Documentation is a Synopsis. 

The Steps of Synopsis Contains 

  • Name of the Project, 
  • Objective of the Project, 
  • Project Developing Front end and Back end Technology, 
  • Modules of a Project. 

The Full Description of the Module have to given. 

Example For Synopsis Writing is for Hotel Management System

Name of the project (Title) :

  • Project Title “Hotel Management System”

The Title have to Choose for the Developing System. Title should be Relevant for the Developing System. So in this Project Developing System is for Hotel. The Overall Process of the Hotel is Done in this System. So the Title named as Hotel Management System.

  How to Write a Synopsis for a Projects of Computer Science Student

Objective of the Project 

The Objective of the Project is to Computerize the Hotel to system. So the Developing System is to convert the Manu al Process to a Computerize Process. 

Project Developing Technology 

  • Front End : Visual Basic 6.0, 
  • Back End : MS-Access. 

Front End Technology 

The Student have to Choose what Software is used for Developing the Front End Processes. For Example Front End is Developing using Visual Basic 6.0. The Form, Tools are used for Developing

Back End Technology 

The Back End Technology is nothing but a Database used for Storing a Data for the Developing System. The Software for Hotel Management System Developing is MS-Access. The Table, Primary Key, Foreign Key are used for Back End Process Developing. 

Modules of a Project 

The Module is a Small, Small Process of the Developing System. After Creating all Modules, at last all Modules are Connecting in One System. So Dividing into Modules are Easier for Creating a Developing System. 

Example Module For Hotel Management System. 

Two Modules are Important 

  • Lodging and 
  • Restaurant. 

The Full Description of the Module have to given. 

  • The Synopsis have to Write Briefly in Paragraphs. 

For Example. 

The Project work entitled “ Hotel Management System” is developed for The Hotel Name. The Objective of the Project is to computerize this system, which is responsible for maintaining boarding and lodging to meet the customer satisfaction and quality standards.  The System is developed in Visual Basic 6.0 as a Front end and MS-Access as Back-end. 

To manage the hotel, two main modules are to be considered. They are lodging and restaurant. The Modules which are to be considered while maintaining lodging and housekeeping, room service and billing. Housekeeping takes the activity of keeping the rooms clean, maintaining the things safe and providing the extra things whatever the guest needs. Whenever the guest needs food from the room itself means then that activity will be carried out by room service. Billing takes the information
like check-in date, check-out date to find out the number of days the guest stayed in the hotel, laundry charges, phone charges and any other extra charges and displays the total amount the customer had to pay to the hotel. 

In restaurant the only module to be considered is billing. The bill will be produced to the customers for the food they have taken. Room service in the system lodging and restaurant will always have a link. 

Thus provides an easy way to monitoring the customer satisfaction. . 

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