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Showing posts with label Software Training. Show all posts

Friday, May 12, 2023

Software Course Training Papers

Software Training Course

The Software Training are provided to the Candidate who are interested to study the Software Technologies.  The Candidate who studied Software Technologies, there are more job opportunity are available.  The Students can get a Software Training while studying.

The following are the Courses can Students can get Training.

Software Courses are

  • Programming Languages,

  • Web Programming,

  • Web Designing,

  • CCNA Networking Courses,

  • Software Testing Courses,

  • Mobile Application Development,

  • Cyber Security Courses,

  • Cloud Computing,

  • Artificial Intelligence.

  • Multimedia Courses etc.,

Other Software Courses

In all University Software Courses are Provided to the Student who have Pass in 12th Standard.  The Software Courses are a 3 Year Degree Program.  The 6 month Semester Pattern Examination have to attend the Students.  The Mini Projects, Final Semester Projects have to Do for Getting the Degree.

The Following are the Software Courses are there.

  1. B.Sc Computer Science,

  2. BCA Computer Application,

  3. B.Sc Information Technology,

  4. B.Sc Computer Technology,

  5. B.Sc Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning,

  6. B.Sc Cyber Security,

  7. B.Sc CS and Cloud Computing,

  8. M.Sc Computer Science,

  9. MCA Computer Application,

  10. M.Sc Information Technology,

  11. M.Sc Computer Technology,

  12. BE Computer Science and Engineering,

  13. B.Tech IT,

  14. ME Computer Science and Engineering,

  15. M.Tech IT,
Software Training Course

In Other Departments also Software Paper are available to the Students.

  1. B.Com CA,

  2. BBM CA.

The Students of Other Departments also have one or two Software paper are available in Semester.

The Students of Computer Course have to do a Project Work in any Software Technology.

Diploma Papers

  • Diploma in Computer Technology,

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application,

  • Software Research Courses are also available for M.Phil and PhD Students.

The Software Paper Available in Computer Degree Program are as follows.

  • Digital Fundamentals,

  • Data Structure and Programming,

  • C Programming,
  • C++ Programming,

  • Java Programming,

  • Web Technologies,

  • RDBMS,

  • Computer Graphics,

  • MS Office,

  • Tally,

  • Software Engineering,

  • Multimedia Systems,

  • Networking Paper,

  • Visual Basic 6.0,

  • Software Testing.

In all those paper Practical Lab is also available to the Students.

In Particular Software Training at last Students can do a Project and the Students can get a Certificate for getting a Software Training in that Institute.

Software IT and BPO Project Training

Software IT and ITeS Training

Software IT Training

IT Full form is a Information Technology. IT Training is nothing but an Software Development Training. In Company, Institution, Department Store, All government Department now-a-days a Software are using for their Services. Software are developed by Software Engineering Concepts. In
Software IT Companies following Application Software are Developed. 

Software Application 

  1. Windows Application, 
  2. Web Application, 
  3. Mobile Application, 
  4. Embedded Application. 

Software Projects are done by Team Members of the Project.  The Team Members are given Training on Specific Software and Software Application are developed. 

  • Data Collection, 
  • Software Feasibility Study, 
  • Software Design, 
  • Software Coding, 
  • Software Testing, 
  • Software Implementation etc., 

IT Training will be given to the Candidates of Students, Company Staff etc., 

Software Training 

List of Software IT Training are given to the Candidate by the following Software Technology, 

  1. C, 
  2. C++, 
  3. Java Technologies, 
  4. Visual Basic, 
  5. PHP, 
  6. Phyton, 
  7. Dot Net Technologies etc., 
  8. Multimedia Technologies, 
  9. Web Development Technology, 
  10. Photoshop, 
  11. Coraldraw, 
  12. Software Testing, 
  13. Networking Software, 

IT and ITeS Project Training
ITeS Training 

ITeS Full form is a Information Technology Enabled Services.  All Companies are giving Outsouring Services to other Company. A Part of the Work is given to the Outsourcing Company. The Company Customer Support is given as Outsouring to the ITeS Company. 

ITeS Training is given to Candidate for the following Process. 

  • BPO – Business Process Outsourcing, 
  • Non Voice BPO Training, 
  • Call Centre Voice Process BPO, 
  • Medical Coding, 
  • KPO – Knowledge Process Outsourcing. 


The BPO Full form is Business Process Outsourcing. In BPO a Projects are got from the Companies. In BPO there are Two types of Process are done. Non Voice BPO and Voice Process BPO. 

Non Voice BPO Training 

In Non Voice BPO a Data are Updated in a Software. The Faculty are Recruited, Giving Sufficient Training to the Staff and assigned to the Project. 

Example for Non Voice BPO 

The example for Non Voice BPO is a Banking Process. In All Bank New Customer Bank Account is Created. In that a Customer Bank Details are Collected in Manual Document. The Manu Document are Scanned and Sent to the BPO Company. The BPO Company are Updated in a Bank Software. In this are a Candidate with Good Typing Skill is More important. 

Call Centre Voice Process BPO Training 

In Voice Process BPO a Customer Support are given to the Customer of the Company. A Product Details, Price Details, Enquiry Details etc are given training to the BPO Voice Process. In Voice Process BPO a Fluency in English is More important for giving BPO Voice Process Service to the Company. 

Medical Coding 

In Medical Coding a Hospital Doctor will Record all Details in voice format when Patient is given Treatment. A Details like Patient Name, Address, Treatment Details are Recorded in Voice Format. This Hospital Patient Voice Details are Sent to the Medical Coding Company. For Example the Hospital is in US and tie up with Indian Medical Coding Company. Every Day Patient Details in Voice Format are sent to the Medical Coding Company when the Day Work is Over. When Again the Doctor is Came on Next Day to the Hospital the Patient Details with full Document Pattern are Typed and Sent to the Hospital for Process. So the Medical Coding Company in India want to give Medical Coding Training to the Staff of Medical Coding. For this Good Listening Skill is needed and Typing Skill is also needed for this Job. So Many Medical Coding company are giving Training for the Candidates. 


The KPO Full form is Knowledge Process Outsourcing. In KPO a Full Details of the Business are given as Software Pattern and given to the Business Person for doing a Business. 

Example for KPO 

For Doing a Textile Industry Business a Person can contact the KPO for giving a Knowledge Regarding Textile Industry where to Buy a Raw Material, How to Manufacture the Textile Product, How to give Training for the Employee, How to Market the Product, Delivery Details etc., a Overall all details Regarding Textile Industry Business are given as Multimedia Software and needed Software Pattern. So this type of KPO Training are also given by ITeS Company to the Candidate.

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