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Showing posts with label Software Coding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Software Coding. Show all posts

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Good Programming Coding Practices

Coding Practices

There are some commonly used programming practices that help in avoiding the common errors.  The Good Practice for Coding is Use Note Book Problem Solving First and then to Type Coding in Computer. Writing  These are enlisted below :

  1. Control Construct,

  2. Use of gotos,

  3. Information hiding,

  4. Nesting,

  5. User Defined Data Types,

  6. Module Size,

  7. Module Interface,

  8. Side effects,

  9. Robustness,

  10. Switch case with defaults,

  11. Empty catch  block,

  12. Empty if and while statement,

  13. Check for end return,

  14. Return from Finally Block,

  15. Trusted Data Sources,

  16. Correlated Parameters,

  17. Exceptions Handling.

Coding Practices

Coding Standards

Any Good Software Development approach suggests to adhere to some well-defined standards or rules for coding.  These rules are called coding Standards.

  1. Naming Conventions,

  2. Filters,

  3. Commenting / Layout,

  4. Statements,

  5. Advantages of Coding Standards.

  6. Coding standards brings uniform appearance in system implementation,

  7. The code becomes readable and hence can be understood easily,

  8. The coding standard helps in adopting good programming practices.


Refactoring is defined as a change made to the internal structure of software for better understanding and performing cheaper to modifications without changing system's behavior.

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