Confidence and Self Esteem
- Recognize that your self-esteem and self-image impact every aspect of your role as a supervisor.
- Stop valuing your self-worth by comparing yourself to others. Set your own standards and
then strive to achieve those standards. - Set realistic and obtainable goals. It is the fastest way to raise your self-esteem. When you set a goal and achieve it. You feel you have mastery over your environment.
- Associate with high self-stemmers. You do have a choice as to whom you associate with. Individuals with high self-esteem have the capacity to help build your self-esteem.
- Laugh sooner. If you have ever experienced a crisis or a failure, you know at some point you are able to laugh about it. The goal is to laugh sooner.
- Give and accept compliments. When you give sincere complaints, people like you better. When you accept compliments, it demonstrates high self-esteem.
- Ask for and accept feedback from others. When people care about you enough to offer feedback, either positive or negative, you have the opportunity to grow.
- Take full responsibility for your actions. Empowered people with high self-esteem know they are responsible for their decisions and actions.
- Use positive self-talk, because what you think about comes about.
- Remember, successful people have experiencedfailure. Successful people with high self-esteem do not view failure as failure, but rather as an opportunity to learn how to do things differently.