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Showing posts with label S/w Goals and Objective. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Software Project Goals And Objective

Goals and Objective 

Defining Software

Software is nothing but a collection of computer Programs and related documents that are intended to provide desired features, functionalities and better performance. 

Software Products may be :

  • Generic - That means developed to be sold to a range of different customers.

  • Custom – That means developed for a single customer according to their specification.

Goals and Objective of Software Project

While developing Software Following are common objectives.

  1. Satisfy Users Requirements

Many programmers simply don’t do what the end user wants because they do not understand user
requirements.  Hence it becomes necessary to understand the demand of end user and accordingly software should be developed.

  1. High Reliability

Mistakes or bugs in a program can be expensive in terms of human lives, money, and customer
relations.  For instance, Microsoft has faced many problems because earlier release of windows has many problems.  Thus software should be delivered only if high reliability is achieved.

  1. Low maintenance costs

Maintenance of software is an activity that can be done only after delivering the software to the customer.  Any small change in software should not cause restructuring of whole software.  This indicates that the design of software has poor quality.

Goals And Objective Of Software Project

  1. Delivery On Time

It is very difficult to predict the exact time on which the software can be completed.  But a systematic development of software can lead to meet the given deadline.

  1. Low Production Costs

The Software product should be cost effective.  

  1. High Performance

The high Performance software are expected to achieve optimization in speed and memory usage. 

  1. Ease of Reuse 

Use same software in different systems and software.  Environments reduce development costs and also improve the reliability.  Hence reusability of developed software is an important property.

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