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Showing posts with label Output Design. Show all posts

Friday, May 12, 2023

Preparing a System Design for Project

System Design of a Project

Design Process

Software Design is an iterative process using which the user Requirements can be translated into the software product.

At the initial stage of the software is represented as an abstract view. During the sub-sequence iterations data, functional and behavioral requirements are traced in detail. That means at each iteration the refinement is made to obtain lower level details of the software Product 

Design Concepts

The Software design concept provides a framework for implementing the right software. 

The following are certain issues that are considered while designing the Software : 

  • Abstraction, 
  • Modularity, 
  • Architecture, 
  • Refinement, 
  • Pattern, 
  • Information Hiding, 
  • Functional Independence
  • Refactoring, 
  • Design Classes. 

Golden Rules 

Thao Mandel has proposed three golden rules for User Interface Design 

  1. Place the User in Control, 
  2. Reduce the User's Memory Load, 
  3. Make the interface consistent,  

Design is the first stepping stone for the development of any System. 

  • Input Design, 
  • Output Design, 
  • Database Design. 

Interface Analysis 

Before Preceding for Interface Design it is necessary to understand the problem. 

Understanding the Problem means understanding : 

  1. The People or User who actually interacts with the system. 
  2. The Task that are performed by the end user for interacting the system. 
  3. The contents of the interface that will be displayed to the user. 
  4. The environment in which the task will be conducted. 

Software System Design

Input Design 

The input design is the link between the information system and the user, it comprises the director specification and procedures for data preparation and those steps that are necessary to put transaction data into a usable form for processing data entry. The activity of putting data in to the computer for processing can be achieved by having people key data directly in to the computer for processing can be achieved by having people key data directly in to the system. The design of inputs, focuses on controlling the amount of inputs required, controlling error, avoiding delay, avoiding extra steps and keeping the Process simple. 

Output Design 

The objective of any information system in the generation of reports. The output provides direct source of information to the user and so it's the most important in the system design phase. It reports to actual output generated by the system. This is major goal in designing a new system. The system generate the following reports during the process. 

Database Design 

Database files are the key source of Information into the system. The final design must satisfy user needs in terms of completeness, integrity, performance and other factors. The main objective of the database design is to store the captured data efficiently and facilitate its timely retrieval.

College Project Documentation Preparation

Project Documentation Preparation 

Project Report Preparation 

In Project Development Report Preparation is useful for More Purpose. Project Report is used to submit Report to the Superior , Solving Problem and for Documentation etc., Project Report  Prepared by following Pattern. For every day Stage of the Project, the documentation want to  Prepare. 

The following are the Documents are Prepared in Project Report Preparation. 

Project Document Content Preparation for the below shown areas. 

  • Objective of the Project, 
  • Synopsis Document, 
  • System Study and Problem formulation, 
  • Data Collection, 
  • Existing System, 
  • Proposed System, 
  • System Requirement, 
  • Hardware Specification, 
  • Software Specification, 
  • System Design Preparation, 
  • Input Design, 
  • Output Design, 
  • Sample Coding, 
  • System Testing, 
  • Database Table Preparation, 
  • ER Diagram, 
  • System Flow
  • Data Flow Diagram, 
  • System Implementation, 
  • Implementation Plan, 
  • System Security, 
  • Conclusion, 
  • Scope for Future Enhancements, 
  • Bibliography, 
  • Appendix. 

Brief Explanation of the Project Report Document Preparation 

Objective of the Project 

In Project Development Objective is to Create first. The Objective Says why this Project want to Develop, the future of the Project, Benefits of the System Development. The Objective will be followed in all stages of the Project. 

Synopsis Document 

The Synopsis is a Brief Description of the Project, the Need of the Project, Front End Technology, Back End Technology, Modules of the System Development, Explanation of the System Development of the Project are explained. 

System Study and Problem formulation 

The Project Background Study of the System are done here.  The available system are analyzed and System Study are done. The Problem in the system are find and how to solve the problem and implemented in the System Development are Created here. 

Data Collection 

The Sufficient Data are collected for the Developing System.  From the Data a Feasibility Study are Done. Data are used for in-depth Study.  If data is not sufficient for developing Study again a data are collected and feasibility study are done for the developing system. So Data Collection is more important.

Existing System

The Existing System of the Project are Studied fully. The Existing System Drawbacks are find and how to give solution of the existing system are documented and Proposed System are Developed. For example Existing System are Manual then what are the Drawbacks are find and Computerized System are Developed. 

Proposed System 

The Proposed System are the Project Future System. The Proposed System Module are Created and Advantages of the Proposed System are Created. Every individual Module are explained and used for the Proposed System Development. 

System Requirement 

The Developing Proposed System Requirement are documented and the Resource Requirement are find and Arranged for the Project Development.  For example the Technology Requirement for the Project Development are find and Purchased for the Project. 

Hardware Specification 

The Hardware Specification are the System Requirement for the Developing System. The Processor CPU Configuration, RAM, Hard Disk, Monitor, Inputting Device are specified and Purchased for the Developing System. 

                                   Project Documentation Preparation

Software Specification 

The Software Required for the Developing Software are Specified and Purchased for the Project. The Operating System, Front End Software Technology, Backend Software Technology, Virus Software etc are Purchased for the Developing Software.

System Design Preparation 

The System Module are Created and for every Module data are collected and System Design are developed for every Module. The Module Process are Prepared and Solution for the Project are Designed and Prepared for the Developing System. 

Input Design 

The Input Design are Created for the Developing System. The Module Form Design are Created. Input Design Data are Collected and Tools for Inputting Data are Prepared. For example Student Registration, in this Module Student Roll No, Student Name, Student Class, Student Address etc are Designed and all those Data are Inputted in Textbox Tools and Used for the System. 

Output Design 

The Output Design are important for the Developing System.  In Output Design the processed data are shown as Output to the User. The Format of the Output Design are Created and Tools are used for Displaying Output to the User. The Report Generation are also done in Output Design. 

Sample Coding 

The Coding are done for the System Design. The Technology used for the Developing System are done. In documentation Sample Coding are Specified and Documented. For Example VB 6.0 is used for the Front End Technology. The Function and Variables used for specified as a Sample Coding for the Developing System.

System Testing

The System Testing is done for the Programmed System. The System Testing are done by inputting the Data for the Module and the Output is Checked. The Data Processed are Checked. For Example, the Student Mark Sheet Preparation. The Student Marks sheet Total are Done for the Subject. The
Student Total Mark are Checked for The System Testing are Done for all Modules and Checked for System Testing. 

Database Table Preparation 

In System Back End Technology is a Database Table Creation.  The Database Table are Created for every Module of the System. The Table and Size of the Data Variable are used for Database Table Creation. 

ER Diagram 

ER Diagram is Created for easier Understanding. The Entity Relationship Diagram are Created for the Developing System. For Every Module ER Diagram are Created for the System. 

System Flow Diagram 

The System Flow Diagram are Created for the Developed System. In the System One Module to Other Module Processed Data are Shown in System Flow Diagram. The Student Mark are used in all Module so the System Flow Diagram are Developed for the System. 

Data Flow Diagram 

The Data Flow Diagram is a Data Flow from one Module to Other Module are shown in Data Flow Diagram. The Data Flow Diagram are shown Shapes. The Data Flow Diagram are Created for all Module. 

System Implementation 

The System Implementation are Done for the Developed System.  The Created System are Implemented in the Customer Computer. The System Implementation are almost the final Stage of the Developed System.

Implementation Plan 

The System Implementation Plan are Prepared in a Document.  How to Implement, the Technology used for Implementation. The Training are given to the End User of Using the Developing System. 

System Security 

The Developed System are implemented and Used for the Customer Business Process. The System Security are Done for the Developed System. The System Security are Virus Software are Installed in the System are checked. The End User Username and Password are created for the Developed
System. So likewise System Security and Training are given to the End User in the Customer Place.


The Conclusion of the Developed System are Created. The Conclusion of the Developed System are given as summary for the Developed System. The System Design, Coding and Testing are Developed Successfully. The Module Input and Output are Checked are given as Report. So Conclusion are given as Small Summary for the Developed System. 

Scope for Future Enhancements 

The Future Scope of the Developed System are given here for the Project System. What are the advanced Features are installed in the developed System are specified here in a small summary. 


The Books, Website and all other Resources what we have used for this System Development are specified here in Bibliography. 


In Appendix the Diagram, Form Screen, Input Screen, Out Screen Printed Page are Specified Here in Appendix.  

After Preparing a Content for above shown category.  Documentation want to Prepare.

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