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Showing posts with label Money Making. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money Making. Show all posts

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Tips For Making Money

 How to Make Money 

A Person have to Give Money for everything, before that the person have to earn money.  Money can be earned by Job or Business.  Today to earn money is not a easy task.  More competition have to meet and earn a money.  So Money Making Thoughts are as follows.

  • Has it ever struck you what a lot of time most of us waste in useless envy of our neighbors ? And in useless endeavors to be like them ?
  • “Miss X has made a wonderful success as an actress. Why should not I ? Mr. Jones has made a fortune by writing.  Why should not I do the same ?” We have all heard this sort of thing.  Most of us have said it. It is one of the greatest fallacies of human nature
  • Try to do something merely because someone else has made a success of it.  But for one who succeeds in this task of envious imitation there are a thousand who fail.
  • If you ask me why, I reply that you are You, and Miss
    X is Miss X.  It is such a simple
    answer that we are apt to overlook it.
  • Put yourself under the microscope.  Somewhere in your composition there is
    some power, some combination of qualities, that marks you out from the
    rest of the world.
  • How to Make Money
    • There is in everybody the possibility of originally,
      and the world is eagerly waiting for your contribution.
    • Analyse yourself.  Forget what other people are doing,.  Realise that Miss X and Mr: Jones are
      making fortune because they have found the job they can do best – and are doing it.
    • Find the job you can do best.  There are no rewards for the man who is
      content to remain in the rut.
    • Somewhere in you is the thing for which the world is
      waiting.  Find it.  Dig it out.
    • It will be worth money to you, for because you are
      You – and no one else is exactly like you-it will be unique.
    • That is what the world pays heavily for.

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