About The Internet of Things
The traditional Internet Connects machines to machines or web pages to web pages. The concept of the IoT was introduced in 1999 at MIT. The IoT refers to the networked interconnection of everyday objects, tools, devices or computers.
One can view the IoT as a wireless network of sensors that interconnect all things in our daily life. These things can be large or small and they vary with respect to time and place. The idea is to tag every using RFID or a related sensor or electronic technology such as GPS.
With the introduction of the IPv6 Protocol, 2 128 IP addresses are available to distinguish all the objects on Earth, including all computers and pervasive devices. The IoT researchers have estimated that every human being will be surrounded by 1,000 to 5,000 objects. The IoT needs to be designed to track 100 trillion static or moving objects simultaneously.
The IoT demands universal addressability of all of the objects or things. To reduce the complexity of identification, search and storage, one can set the threshold to filter out fine-grain objects. The IoT obviously extends the Internet and is more heavily developed in
H2H, H2T, T2T
In the IoT era, all objects and devices are instrumented, interconnected, and interacted with each other intelligently. This communication can be made between people and things or among the things themselves. Three communication patterns co-exists: namely H2H (Human to Human), H2T (Human to thing), and T2T (thing to thing). Here things include machines such as PCs and mobile phones.
IoT Benefits
The idea here is to connect things (including human and machine objects) at any time and any place intelligently with low cost. Any place connections include at the PC, indoor (away from PC), outdoors, and on the move. Any time connections include daytime, night, outdoors and indoors and on the move as well.
New Dynamic Network of Networks
The dynamic connections will grow exponentially into a new dynamic network of networks, called the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is still in its infancy stage of development. Many prototype IoTs with restricted areas of coverage are under experimentation at the time of this writing.
Cloud Computing
researchers expect to use the cloud and future Internet technologies to support fast, efficient, and intelligent interactions among humans, machines, and any objects on Earth.
Smart Earth
A smart Earth should have
- Intelligent cities,
- Clean water,
- Efficient power,
- Convenient Transportation,
- Good Food Supplies,
- Responsible Banks,
- Fast Communications,
- Green IT,
- Better Schools,
- Good Health care,
- Abundant Resources,
and so on.
This living environment may take some time to reach fruition at different parts of the world.