Identifying Personal Values
Personal Value System
A personal value system is imperative to success. Without a personal value system, you will be unable to make meaningful decisions, define your true purpose in life, or carry out the behaviors necessary to
achieve your goals.
Based on Your Value System
Values are the foundation for all you do. Your behaviors, which follow your thoughts and decisions, are based on your value system. When behaviors are incongruent with values, you will feel tremendous discomfort, emotionally and physically. You will not function optimally. Think of a time when a boss or customer asked you to compromise your integrity. If you got a terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach, that was your value system telling you not to do it.
Your Personal Values
Inner winners know their primary values and incorporate them into their daily lives. Whether you realize it or not, your decisions are affected by your values. When people experience difficulties in life, it is quite often due to misalignment of values. This can happen on the job-dealing with bosses and colleagues, suppliers, and interacting with customers. If your values are not aligned with those of individuals or the company you work with, you will have a difficult time enjoying, and therefore succeeding, in your work.
Identify your values
What are your five primary values ? What do you hold most dear and sacred ?
Write them below and then prioritize them. Consider whether and how they align with your work situation.
Value Priority
1._____________________________________ ______________
2._____________________________________ ______________
3._____________________________________ ______________
4._____________________________________ ______________
5._____________________________________ ______________