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Showing posts with label Good Friends. Show all posts

Monday, May 15, 2023

Tips for Good Friendship

What is Friend ?

“A friend in need is a friend in deed.”  It is adage.  A good friend is a best resource for every human friends are playing a vital role in anybody’s life.  Friends and friendship are always powerful and positive.  Good friend shows the best way to achieve success.

Making friendship is simple and easy.  But maintaining friendship is little bit difficult.  “Make new friends but don’t forget old.”  It is also adage.  “Change your pleasure, but not change your friends.”  It is a powerful statement.

One more adage is there.  “Old friends, old wine are tasty.”  We can not describe friendship.  Because it is a feeling.  Can we call new friend is silver, old friends is gold.

Ramayana and Mahabharata are great epics of Indian.  There we found many example for good friendship, Krishna and Arjuna were close friends.  Likewise karma and Duryodhana were also close associates.  A good and honest friends never leave his friend in difficulties.  Karna, and elder son of Kunti has proved the value of friendship.  Gandhi and Nehru were the good example for friendship.  Friends are more powerful than any other relation.

Who is a good Friend ?

A good friend provide and distributes pleasure, hope.  Friends should be truthful, honest with each other.  Good plan, good work will give good results.  Good friends are precious.  Friends may come and friends may go.  But you have to opt good friends.  Literally it is true.

Every human being is anxious to making friends.  Even infants are concerned with the movements of the other babies.  Good friends exchange their view, opinions.  It has helps develop positive
thinking.  Making friends is the instinct in very human. 

“Show me your friends.  I will tell you what you are.”  This is an adage.  Our friends are the sources to explain what we are.  So have good friends.  Good friends always gives us happiness. 

Tips for Good Friendship

Maintain a good relationship with your friends.  Here are few tips for good friendship.

1.Do not expect money or property from friends.  Money matters spoils and ruins the friendship between two persons.

2.Live and let live.  Any of your friends may not help you, do not hate him.  Do not jealous.

3.If your friend have good qualities do not leave him.  Learned good things from him. 

4.What can you give your friend is : be a friend happiness is enhanced by friendship. 

A friend can offers you intimacy.  It is a great sources.  Friends can be a source of self esteem, affection and good times.  Friendship makes us more confident, feel hopeful.  Friendship is always powerful.  There must be commitment between the friends.

Who are Bad Friends? 

The bad friend is one who make gossip.  Gossiping is very bad.  How to test a new friend of yours.  How to find out a new friend is trust worthy or not.  Certainly not tough.  Leak out an important secret and see if it is keep or spread around.  It is a clue to test your friend.  Gossiping about your friend may ruins or destroys the friendship.  Slowly build trust your friend.  Gradually share your feelings, experience.  It helps to strengthens and depends your friendship.

A real friendship should not lost.  But casual friendship end most frequently because of changes.  Avoid gossip.  Man is social animal.  A human have thousand friends, it is not enough.  Earn friends but not enemy.  Friendship shows the positive feeling.  But enemity is a negative thought.  Even one enemy is spoil our life.  You may have enemies.  But you don’t become enemy to anybody.

The criteria of friendship is good heart.  It develops the friendship.  Don’t bother about other things.  Positive thinking means good understanding.  The word understanding looks simple.  But it has a vital role.  The man who have understandable nature will survive in bad circumstances also.  He is become model to other people.  Learn and earn friends.  Learning is the first process.  The secondary process is
earning the friends.  After that develop the friendship.  These are all qualities to make friendship and happiness.

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