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Showing posts with label Dream. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Article About Dream

Day Dreams

A man want to face every day activities either Physical or Mental first plan it and dream then do it.  The following a Day Dream Thoughts.

  • Last week I had something to say about the value of cultivating a vivid imagination.  Let us carry that topic a little further. 

  • What is known as “Day Dreaming” is another aspect of it.  Everyone day dreams at times; some do it to such an extent that they become unpractical, moody, out of  touch with realities; others only do it on rare occasions.

  • But I doubt if there is anyone who at some time or another has not indulged in this pleasantly soothing occupation.

  • Like so many other forms of mental activity its value depends entirely on the use make of it on the way the energy is directed.

  • Certainly day dreaming can be either an inspiration or a vice.  It all depends, as is so often the ease, whether you make it your servant or allow it to become your master.
    Article About Dream

  • To sit and simply pursue aimless and idle trains of thought, unless they be definitely and deliberately undertaken as a form of mental rest and recreation, is to use day dreaming as a drug.

  • Even so, it has its place, if used sparingly and with discretion : but do not allow it to become a habit.

  • The sort of day dreaming that is really valuable is when one sits down and deliberately visions what might be, when one reviews the past, considers the present, and builds the future.

  • It was such dreams and visions that led Columbus to America, that gave Newton the secret of gravitation, that inspired every great man who has ever left his mark on history.

  • Don’t be afraid of such dreams.  They can be made the spur to action and the accomplishment of big things.

  • But never allow them to be more than a prelude.  The thing that matters is the action
    they inspire.

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