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Showing posts with label Data Design. Show all posts

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Data Design in Software Project

About Data Design

  • Data design is basically the model of data that is represented at the high level of abstraction.

  • The data design is then progressively refined to create implementation specific representations.

  • Various Elements of Data Design are

    • Data Object

The data objects are identified and relationship among various data objects can be represented using entity relationship diagrams or data dictionaries.

  • Databases

Using Software Design model, the data models are translated into data structures and databases at  the application level.

  • Data Warehouses

At the business level useful information is identified from various databases and the data  Warehouses are created.  For extracting or navigating the useful business information stored in the huge data warehouse then data mining techniques are applied.

Guideline for Data Design 

  1. Apply systematic analysis on data

Represent data objects, relationships among them and data flow along with the contents.

  1. Identify Data Structures and related operations

For the design of efficient data structures all the operations that will be performed on it should be

  1. Establish Data Dictionary

The data dictionary explicitly represents various data objects, relationships among them and the constraints on the elements of data structures.

Data Design in Software Project

  1. Defer the low-level design decisions until late in the design process.

Major structural attributes are designed first to establish an architecture of data.  And then low-level design attributes are established.

  1. Use information hiding in the design of data structures.

The use of information hiding helps in improving quality of software design.  It also helps in  separating the logical and physical views.

  1. Apply a library of useful data structures and operations.

The data structures can be designed for reusability.  A use of library of data structure templates (called as abstract data types) reduces the specification and design efforts for data.

  1. Use of software design and programming language to support data specification and

The implementation of data structures can be done by effective software design and by choosing suitable programming language.

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