Basic Technique of Creative Visualization
As you can see from part one, the basic technique of creative visualization is not difficult.
The important thing now is to learn to use it in a way that really works for you … that helps
you to make positive change in your life. In order to use creative visualization most effectively it’s helpful to understand certain concepts and learn some further techniques.
Use Creative Visualization
The most important thing to remember is to use creative visualization often, to make it a regular part of your life. Most people seem to find that it works best to practice it at least a little every day, especially when you are first learning.
Creative Visualization Mediation
I suggest that you have a regular creative visualization mediation period for fifteen minutes
or so each morning when you wake up, and each evening before sleeping (these are the times when it is most effective), as well as the middle of the day if you can mange that. Always start you mediation periods with deep relaxation, then follow any visualizations or affirmations you wish.
Some Practice of Creative Visualization
There are many different ways that creative visualization can be used, and it’s up to you to remember
to try them at appropriate times. Creative visualization may be a new way of thinking, a new way of
living, and as such it will take some practice.
Type of Problem Solving
Try it out in different situations and different circumstances, and use it as often as you can for any type of problem solving. It you find yourself worrying or puzzling about anything, or feeling discouraged
or frustrated about a problem, ask yourself whether there is a way you could use creative visualization to help you. From a creative habit of using it at every appropriate moment.
Successful Creative Visualization
Don’t feel discouraged if you don’t immediately feel totally successful with your creative visualization. Remember that most of us have years of negative thought patterns to overcome. It takes time to change some of these life-long habits. And many of us have some underlying feelings and attitudes which can slow us down in our efforts to live more consciously.
Naturally Powerful Process
Fortunately creative visualization is such an innately powerful process that even five minutes of conscious positive mediation can balance out hours, even years of negative patterns.
Many Miracles in Your Life
So be patient. It has taken a lifetime to creative your world the way it is now. It may not necessarily change instantly (although it often does). With preservations and a proper understanding of the process, you will succeed in creating what seem like many miracles in your life.
Two things I have found most important in my growth process with creative visualization are :
- Regular reading in inspiring an uplifting books that help to keep me in touch with my highest ideals and aspirations. I usually keep a book by my bed and read a page or two each day. Many or my favorites are listed in the bibliography.
- Having a friend or (ideally) a community of friends who are also tuned into learning to live more consciously and who will support you and help you in your effort. Attending regular or occasional consciousness classes or workshops can be an important way of getting this type of support, and giving it to others as well.