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Showing posts with label Certificate Content. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Certificate Content. Show all posts

Friday, May 12, 2023

Student Project Record Documentation Preparation

Project Record Documentation Content

Project Documentation Record Work Content

The System is Developed Stage by Stage for every Module. For every Process in a Module Documentation are created. The Full Summary of the System Development are Documented for a Module. The System Design, Module Creation, System Testing, System Implementation. The Documentation are Created for the Following. 

In Project Work Duration following Documents have to Prepare in between times. 

  • Synopsis, 
  • Organization Profile, 
  • Background Study, 
  • Existing System, 
  • Limitation of the Existing System, 
  • Proposed System, 
  • Advantages of the Proposed System, 
  • Problem Formulation, 
  • Objective, 
  • Methodology, 
  • Platform Selection, 
  • Hardware Specifications, 
  • Software Specifications, 
  • System Analysis, 
  • System Analysis, 
  • Fact Finding, 
  • Feasibility Study, 
  • Technical Feasibility, 
  • Economical Feasibility, 
  • Operational Feasibility. 
  • System Design, 
  • Input Design, 
  • Output Design, 
  • Database Design, 
  • System Development, 
  • Module Description, 
  • Development Tools,
  • System Testing,
  • Testing, 
  • Verification and Validation, 
  • Unit Testing, 
  • Integration Testing, 
  • System Testing, 
  • Interface Testing, 
  • Black Box Testing, 
  • White Box Testing, 
  • System Implementation and Maintenance, 
    • System Implementation, 
    • System Maintenance, 
      • Corrective Maintenance, 
      • Adaptive Maintenance, 
      • Perfective Maintenance, 
      • Preventive Maintenance,  
  • Conclusion, 
  • Scope for Future Enhancements, 
  • Bibliography, 
  • Appendices, 
    • UML Class Diagram, 
    • Data Flow Diagram, 
    • Interaction Diagram, 
    • Use Case Diagram, 
    • Activity Diagram, 
    • Screen Shots.

After Preparing all those above shown Documents with Sentence, Paragraph Alignment, Font, Font Style, Font Size, Line Spacing, Table, Flow Diagram and all other Content Alignment. 

                                           Project Record Documentation Content
Front Page Content 

The Project Record Front Page Content want to Create. The Front Page must Contain an important Content. For example, Student Register Number, Degree Name, Title etc., The Following Areas have to Place. 

  • Project Title, 
  • Degree Name Specify, 
  • Submitted by, 
  • Register Number, 
  • College Logo, 
  • Department Name, 
  • University Name, 
  • Address, 
  • Submitting Duration Year.


The Declaration Page must contain an Project Title, Supervision Information, Signature Details, Place and Date are Specified here.  The Declaration Page should have 

  • Project Title, 
  • College Name, 
  • Supervision and Guidance Professor Name, 
  • Department, 
  • Address, 
  • Awarded Degree Program, 
  • Place, 
  • Date, 
  • Signature of the Candidate, 
  • Countersigned by 
  • Guide. 
  • Department, 
  • College Address.


The Certificate Page is an Important in Record Preparation.  In Certificate Page the Project Title, Degree Name, Guide Signature, Head of the Department Signature and all Important Details are Specified. The Certificate Page should have the following Area. 

  • Project Title, 
  • Awarded Degree Program Name, 
  • Project Work Done by Candidate Name, 
  • Candidate College Name, 
  • Department, 
  • Address, 
  • Awarded Degree Program. 
  • Staff in Charge Signature, 
  • Head of the Department Signature, 
  • Record Submitted University Examination Held Date, 
  • Internal Examiner Signature Space, 
  • External Examiner Signature Space.


The Acknowledgement are a Full Summary of the Project Done. The Project Work Guidance Guide Name and all other Staff Supported Name have to Specify Here. The Project Develop Supported Person Name are as Follows. 

  • College Guide Name, 
  • Company Guide Name, 
  • Thanks to Friends, 
  • Parents Name etc., Have to Specify.
    • Finally All Documents are Taken to Binding. 
    • Front Page Color are Decided, 
    • Number of Copies of Project Record are Documented, 
    • The Signature want to get from Guide, Head of the Department
      and Institution Seal etc are Got and Submitted to the Department.

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