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Showing posts with label Business Expectation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Expectation. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Networking Business Expectation

Expectation in Business

A Person who are working in a Business all are Expecting a Product Sales and income for their business But When lacking focus our frustration blocks us from concentrating on what we want to be, or do and leaves us with the feeling of what we want to have.  The following are Expectation
Fulfilling Steps, Methods, Strategies etc to follow in Networking Business.

  • I am Special and I can achieve everything I want if only I know what it is and how to go about it.

  • I wish I had done this, or I could have done that and If only I had done this.

  • When the true self, which knows no Limitations, is held back by self created limitations, frustration is the by-product.

  • When lacking focus, our frustration blocks us from concentrating on what we want to be, or do and leaves us with the feeling of what we want to have.

  • We want things that are quick and easy, rather than doing what is important and necessary.

  • All principles follow the fundamental Law of one step at a time. In nature you plant, nurture, grow, reap, then store and consolidate, before starting the cycle again on a more experienced level.

  • In expectations you have to become before you can be, you have to be before you can do and you have to do before you can have.

  • An approach advocated by some of the more dubious companies and quick fix distributors of buying an expensive car, flash suit and electronic equipment, before your income can naturally justify it.

  • One of the prime reasons for people quitting a networking business is because of their unrealistic expectations.

  • There are two factors for outcome.  One is the individual and the other is the System of training and support that was available to the individual.

  • The individual must accept that only a belief in Self government, self reliance and self responsibility, in the long run, will make him or her what they will become.

  • Most Networking Companies not provide in house training and events, therefore Whole concept of growth relies on the leading success distributors to providing the same for their people.
    Networking Business Expectation

  • The moving of the company’s product, which is everyone gets paid, becomes a secondary issue.  The tools are essential but what they advocate must applied and, therefore, it is crucial  that the system provides training of how this is done.

  • It is important to have an established system which is solely designed to benefit the participants who follow and in which they place their trust.  For this reason I wanted to find a system which I believe would encapsulate all the best motives for its existence.

  • By Operating a constant training system for the organization in the way that they do, the success of certain people gives encouragement to others.  In This way the success of one person raises the hopes and expectations of others.

  • Critical Strategies to the success of the organization has been the development of a team of leaders all of whom have successful Amway Business.

  • All of its elements have been approved by the Amway Corporation and conform with its rules of conduct and code of ethics.

  • Achieved More Success through following this system but had also developed considerably as human beings, with more self worth, esteem and confidence.

  • With improved Communication and trust in their relationships they also gave testimony to the happiness which is part and parcel of personal development.

  • Purchase of business building tools, books and Electronic Systems, is optional and the direct distributor who is upline to any distributors, wanting to invest in the tools will ensure that what
    is bought is in proportion to the size of the distributor’s business.

  • Self Help Books are available to teach skills, attitude and success, and are all designed to help the distributor to grow.  They cover character and confidence, which I believe are the two main ingredients, for developing trust worthiness in the individual.

  • Training given by Software Application and Recent Technology to the individuals, Similarly, meetings and seminars are a fraction of the price compared to the corporate world.

  • This highly effective system works so well because it goes hand in glove with the Principle of Duplication which is the key to organizational growth in Networking.

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