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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Famous Barrier Reef Tourism Places

Ayers Rock Tourist Place

Ayer's Rock is the largest monolith in the world and is an over whelming sight from near. It changes
colour with the sun's movement and appears red at times, brown or even black. From far it looks purple. 

This extraordinary natural wonder lies in the south West of Australia's Northern Territory. It is roughly oval in shape and is about two miles long and one mile wide and 2851 feet high above sea level. 

Ayers rock is made of hard Felspar sandstone called 'arhore'. At the bottom of the rock are caves decorated with aboriginal paintings and carvings made by an aboriginal people called "Uluhru" Ayer's Rock is now a national park of Australia

Barrier Reef Tourist Place

The Great barrier reef is an organic, living self renewing entity - the work of countless millions of coral polyps. The reefs are formed from the skeletal remains of generation after generation of polyps as they continually build towards the surface of the water. 

The Great barrier reef has been famous as a natural wonder since a long time. It stretches for more than 1243 miles along the eastern coast of Australia, from the Torres strait at the continent's northern tip to just South of the Tropic of Capricorn. It reaches into the sea for upto 200 miles like a shelf and then plummets into the depts of the Pacific Ocean.  It is separated from the mainland by a long lagoon channel. 

The constantly growing coral reefs, provide an environment for rich and diverse marine life : Anemones, sponges, starfish, crabs, worms, sea urchins, shrimps, mussles, oysters, clams and multitude of fishes of all shapes and colours. The ecological network is so complex that marine biologists continue to wonder and admire it. 

Famous Natural Tourist Places

Easter Island Statues Tourist Place

The mysterious stone statues of the Easter Island are a puzzle to today's archaeology. 

Easter island is a small volcanic island in the East Pacific Ocean, West of Chile and East of equally less known Pit cairn Island. It is Just a 45 square mile area, named after the day it was discovered by a Dutch Admiral in 1722. There are only about 1000 Eastern Islanders whose descent is not known and is a mystery. 

There are more than six hundred stone statues ranging from life size to giant size scattered around on the island. A few are erect and stand on a stone platform called 'Ahu'. These great Ahu figures have no parallel anywhere else in the world. 

Tradition holds, that once there were two different groups living on the Island, Polynesian or short ears and non polynesian or long ears. Most statues have long ears and hence it is said that the long ears built the statues and were later over thrown by the short earns or polynesians. 

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