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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Creating and Use of Vision for Org

Developing a Vision

Rapid Changes and Innovation

While Organization Management, focuses on coping with complexity, leadership is about creating positive change.  Part of the reason leadership has become such a needed quality in the last 20 years is because of the rapid changes and innovation.  The net result of these changes is that doing what was done yesterday –or even doing it 10% better is no longer a prescription for success.  Major changes are necessary to survive and compete effectively in today’s environment.

Organization Reality

Leading an Organization, whether it is a company or a small work until, to positive change begins with developing a vision.  A vision is a clear mental picture of a desired future outcome.  If you have ever put together a large 1,000 piece Jigsaw puzzle, the changes are you used the picture on the top of the people has to guide the placement of the pieces.  That picture on the top of the box is the end result or the vision of what you are trying to turn into a reality.  It is much more difficult – if not.

Impossible to put the Jigsaw puzzle together without ever looking at the picture.  An organization without a vision is like a person trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without ever seeing the picture on the box.

Good Vision

Effective leaders will create and articulate a clear vision for their organization or unit.  A Good Vision is clear and compelling.  It works like a magnet, pulling people toward it.

Developing a Vision

There are at least four benefits of a clear vision :

  1. It ensures that all employees are moving the same direction.

This means that all employees are working towards the same end result.

  1. It helps to overcome adversity.

Employees are more willing to tackle problems that get in the way of achieving the vision.

  1. It helps to create motivation.

If the leader is committed to and excited about his to her vision, the excitement is contagious.  Employees will be more motivated to work toward the vision and will tend to focus on the positive rather than dwell on the negative.

  1. It provides a guide for decision making.

A clear vision will help employees determine the right path when it comes to problem solving and decision making.

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