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Sunday, May 14, 2023

Why Competition is Important



Competition will changes our life style. Challenges are essential for life. Healthy competition helps to achieve good things in life. Be sportive. Be enthuse. Be competent. Be happy. Competition is important. Bad or unhealthy competition will spoil human beings.

Good Society

Healthy competition will helps to built good society. Good society is essential. Because man is a social animal. He is living animal. He wants to enjoy all walks of life.

Chain Process

Co-operation, friendship are important to lead the life happily. He needs social life. He cannot live along. Society means group of people living. One man needs other man’s cooperation. It is a chain
process. If you miss one link, you loose the whole chain.

Why Competition is Important

Life Competition

When you are looser, don’t take hasty decision. You congratulate the person who has won the competition. It is a positive sign. Life is a challenge. Competition is necessary. Without competition life will loose its charm. But, unhealthy competition will spoil the whole society. To lead a good and happy life competition is necessary. Be energetic. Always enthuse about competition. Try to win in your competition. It helps to achieve confidence.

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