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Friday, May 12, 2023

Visual Studio Dot Net Project Idea

 Visual Studio Dot Net Technology

 Visual Studio.Net

 Visual Studio.Net is a complete set of development tools for building ASP Web Applications, XML Web services, desktop applications, and mobile application. 

  1. ASP.Net, 
  1. Visual Basic.Net, 
  1. Visual C++.Net, 
  1. Visual C#.Net. 

Are used as integrated development environment (IDE), which allows them to share tools and facilities in the creation of mixed language solutions. 


ASP.Net is not just a simple upgrade or the latest version of ASP. A ASP.Net redesigns the whole process. It's still easy to grasp for new comers but it provides many new ways of managing projects. 

ASP.Net Features  

  1. Easy Programming Model, 
  1. Flexible Language Options, 
  1. Great Tool Support, 
  1. Rich Class Framework, 
  1. Rich Output Caching, 

 Visual Basic.Net

 Visual Basic.Net has been designed to create next generation applications for the Microsoft windows operating system and the web. With Visual Basic.Net Microsoft has introduced two new interfaces Windows forms and Web forms. These two interfaces are the part of Visual Studio.Net, which is the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) tool used for writing, debugging, compiling and executing the Visual Basic. 

VB.Net Features 

  1. Simplicity, 
  1. Consistency, 
  1. Garbage Collection, 
  1. Object-Orientation,
  1. Structured Exception Handling. 
                             Dot Net Technology Projects
Example for Visual Basic Dot Net Project 

College Library Management System 

In this College Library Project, Library activities are divided into Modules. 


A Modules are nothing but an Developing Project are divided into smaller process and solution is given to the process. At last all small process that is Modules are joined together and given a Solution. 

College Library Management System 

In all College Library are available for students for their Studies. All Students and Faculty can use the Library. 

The following are the Library Process. 

Library Process Modules are  

  • Student Registration, 
  • Faculty Registration, 
  • Book Registration, 
  • Book Issue, 
  • Book Return.  

Brief Explanation for the College Library Management System Module. 

Student Registration 

The Students have to Register their Details like Students Name, Course, Roll No, Address etc are used for Register. 

Faculty Registration 

Faculty also want to Register their Details for Taking Book in the Library. Faculty Details like Faculty Name, Department, Address etc are used for Register. 

Book Registration 

The Library Admin have to Register the New Book details in Book Registration Module. The Details like Book Number, Book Tile, Book Author, Departments etc are used for Book Registration. 

Book Issue 

When the Students Came for Library for Taking a Book. The Students have to bring their Library Card for Taking a Book. Library Admin have to Use the Following Details for Issuing the Book, Student Library Card No, Book Title, Book Author, Book Number and Student Name, Book Return Date Details etc., 

Book Return 

When the Students Came to Return the Book. The Admin have to Check whether the Book is Return in Specified Date. If the Book is Return after the Specified Date a Fine have to get from the students. So the details like Book Number, Student Card Number, Book Title, Book Author, Book Return Date etc., have to Use for this Module. 

In College Library System for every Module Visual Basic Dot Net Features like 

  • Form Creation by Tools, 
  • Properties and Methods are used for Coding, 
  • Table is Created with Table Name, Fields, Field Size etc., 
  • Reports are Generated for the Module. 

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