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Sunday, May 14, 2023

Tips to Overcome from Angry

Angry – your enemy

Angry Person

Enemy is always destroy our life. Friends are make us happy. Anger makes man to become an animal. Man may kill a person in angry mood. Anger is one of the weakness of man. Anger has ruin our life. It demolishes the relationship. It damages friendship.

“Anger arises delusion ;

Delusion promotes confusion of our mind ; 

Confusion generates loss of reason ;

Loss of reason leads to complete ruin”.

The cause for anger is desire. When our desires are not fulfilled, we become anger. One must know how to control our anger. One must know how to control our anger. Otherwise it leaves permanent scars on relationship. 

Overcome Anger

How to overcome from anger ? The answer is be patient. Anger is your enemy. Patience is your friend. No body likes a person who is short tempered. Anger leads huge loss. Of course, he may be a good man. But getting angry for small things keeps him always unhappy. An anger person is ready to take revenge on the other person who is the cause for his anger.

Tips to Overcome from Angry
Few tips for Controlling Anger :

1.Be clam, don’t give answer : 

Remember one thing, anger dies quickly with a good man. An intelligent man controls his anger. Anger kills the intellectual capacity. People think that you are a fool Anger keeps him worried.

2.Whenever you got angry don’t write any letter to anybody.

First find out the reason for anger. Analyze the reason. Find out the cause for anger, rectify it. Don’t ventilate you feelings. Don’t write any letter to anybody. It destroy the relationship between the persons.

3.Forgive your lunch :

Whenever you got angry forget about your food. An angry person loses his sense. Once you lose the sense, the next step you lose is commonsense. Commonsense is playing most important role in life. Without commonsense no essence in life.  

4.Go for long drive or sit in silence for sometime.

You sit alone ! That is the best remedy for control angry. Otherwise go for long drive. 

5.One of our philosopher stated that “ Count 1 to 10”. 

The old way to control angry is count 1 to 10 silent. It helps to control angry. In olden days people whenever get angry used this method.

6.Smile is a good remedy.

Keep smile on your face. It reduced the velocity of angry. 

The above tips are to Overcome from Angry.

Physiological and Psychological

There are two causes for anger physiological and psychological. Find out the cause for anger and defeat it. Nobody is supreme in this world. Everybody will have defeats. Imagine yourself. Whenever you becoming angry your voice will rise, scolding others and angry kills other’s pleasure and your pleasure too. Some intellectual people laugh and keeps on laughing when
you were lost temper. He is the happiest person.

Negative Feeling

Find out where you did a mistake, rectify. Things become normal. Angry man acts irrelevantly. It is a lesson to others. Nothing will be achieved with anger. Instead the man put his efforts to see that the other person becomes normal. Angry is a negative feeling. A wise person never gets angry. He always control his temper. 

Negative Thinking

Better to avoid bad feelings. It creates anger. Angry person will lose his control and do bad things. Anger is a your enemy. Enemy never shows good path. Angry will kills your happiness and pleasure. The man who lost happiness and pleasure become frustrated. Frustration will sails on negative boat. Negative thinking will gives bad results. 

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