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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Tips For Learning To Observe

About Learning To Observe

A Person have to learn to Give Response by Observe the Near by Person.  By Practice Several Time a Good Reply can be Given.  The Learning to Observe need to have in Company and in a Team etc.,  The
Following are Tips for Learning to Observe.

  1. Training the senses to Work efficiently, with which I dealt last week, is a matter that must be treated with the utmost seriousness by all who desire a good memory.

  2. If you wish to discover the difference between merely seeing an really observing, try this little exercise.

  3. You have seen an ordinary postage stamp hundreds of times.  Can you describe such a stamp accurately ?

  4. Take a sheet of paper and write down a list of all the details that appear on a postage stamp.

  5. When you have put down everything you can remember and you will be surprised to find how little that is get another sheet of paper and a postage stamp.

  6. Make another list with the stamp before you.  Look at it closely : go over it again and again until you are quite sure you have missed nothing.
    Tips For Learning To Observe

  8. Now compare your two lists, and you will see what I mean when I say that while we are continually seeing things we rarely observe them.

  9. Here is another excellent way of learning to use your eyes, a little game Charles Dickens was fond of playing,

  10. Think of some well stocked shop window you will pass on your way home from work.  As you
    pass without actually stopping see how many articles you can fix in your memory.

  11. As soon as you get home write down all you can remember.

  12. Next day, take your list with you and compare it with the window.

  13. At first you will be surprised at the small amount you can remember; but if you practice steadily you will soon be astonished to find how much you can remember with just a glance.

  14. As always, it is practice that counts.

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