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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Successful Entrepreneur


Entrepreneurship is the practice of starting new organizations and establishing or revitalizing matured organizations.  Entrepreneurship ranges in scale from solo projects to major undertakings creating many job opportunities.  A Dictionary Definition of entrepreneurship is “the organizer or promoter of an activity, especially one who assumes the risks of a business.”

In Practice, entrepreneurship can be

  • Starting Your own Business.

  • Inventing Something new techniques of production

  • A spirit of creative thinking and innovation that embraces an entire organization.

Successful Entrepreneur

A Successful entrepreneur is a person who has possession of an enterprise and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome.  A successful entrepreneur promotes the vision.  A Successful Entrepreneur is usually a positive thinker and a decision maker 

The Various Stages of Decisions an entrepreneur has to make before reaching the goal of his project.

  1. Converging on the idea,

  2. Business plan,

  3. Business Formation,

  4. Growth,

  5. Going public or marketing(making valuable to others).

The Types of Industries

Industries can be listed as :

  1. Small Scale Industries – SSI,

  2. Medium Scale Industries – MSI,

  3. Large Scale Industries – LSI.

Successful Entrepreneur

Qualities of an Entrepreneur.

The qualities of an entrepreneur are

  • High Level confidence.

  • Vision and passion in their dreams.

  • Surround themselves with other like minded people.

  • Highly resourceful, creative and inventive.

  • Seize Opportunities and create their own whenever Possible.

  • Know what motivates them.

  • Spend a substantial amount of time on introspection.

  • Refuse to let other people dictate how they should live.

  • Take responsibility for their happiness.

The Expectations of Entrepreneurship.

It is expected from the entrepreneurs that they will help to

  • Increase number of industries.

  • Increase production.

  • Increase employment Opportunities.

  • Earn foreign exchange through exports.

  • Develop the underdeveloped parts of the country.

  • Economic Development.

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