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Friday, May 19, 2023

Stock Market Trading Tips

 Tips For Stock Market Trading

  • Low Prices and Share at High Prices.

Buy at low and sell at high-this is the basic trick to make money in the stock market of India.  Every one who want to make money buys at low prices and share at high prices.

  • Success in Short and Long Time.

UP and down these both are the nature of any sock market.  If stock market is going up it will definitely go down and if it going down it will go up.  The people who can imagine its nature can get success in a very short time and who are not able to understand get success in a long time.

  • Share at High Prices.

Some peoples make big mistakes when buying stock at high prices.  So don’t try to buy shares at high prices otherwise you should have sure knowledge and idea for that or you are an expert in stock market trading.

  • Long Term Investment.

It is always seen that long term investment in stock market is considered better than short term investment.

  • Search, Analyze and Decide Yourself

There you will find many stock market agents, adviser and financial firms.  Don’s waste your money by giving fees and advice charges.  Make market search, analyze and decide yourself whether it is profitable to invest in a particular share or not.

  • High Risk Can Earn Huge Profit

It is kind of business and it involves risk factors like other business.  Always remember those who can take high risk can earn huge profit.  But it doesn’t apply in all cases.  But if you are a small investor and have limited money to invest then you should not try to take big risks as you don’t have enough money to invest further.  It is a different matter if you want to take chance.  After all, it is your life.

  • Increase in the Demand

You are assuming that the market has not realized the true value of a stock and you think you are getting a bargain.  But, it many take months or years before something happens to the company before there is an increase in the demand and the price of its stock.

  • Making New High Profits

In the mean time, while you wait for your cheap stocks to prove themselves and rise, stocks making new highs are making profits for traders who buy them right now.  

  • No More Selling Pressure

When a stock is making a new 52 week high, investors who bought it earlier and experienced falling prices are happy for the new opportunity to get rid of there shares near a breakeven Point.  Once these
investors leave, there will be no more selling Pressure or resistance from them to prevent the stock from taking off.

Stock Market Trading Tips

  • Prices Will Pull Back

Perhaps you are scared to buy a stock at a high.  You’re thinking it’s too late and what goes up must come down.  Eventually prices will pull back which is normal, but you don’t just buy any stock that’s making new highs.  You have to screen them with a set of criteria first, and always exit the trade quickly to reduce your loses if things aren’t working as anticipated.

  • Overall Trend of The Markets

Before making a trade, you’ll need to look at the overall trend of the markets.  If it’s going up then that’s a positive sign because individual stocks tend to follow in the same direction. 

  • Success With Individual Stocks

To further your success with individual stocks, you should make sure that they are the leading stocks in the leading industries. 

  • Earnings Per Share (EPS)

From there, you should look at the fundaments of a stock.  Find out if the EPS or the Earnings Per Share is improving for the past five years and the last two quarters.

  • Stock Compares With Other Stocks

Then look at the RS (Relative Strength) of the stock.  RS shows you how the price action  of the stock compares with other stocks.  A higher number means it ranks better than other stocks in the market.  You can find the RS for individual stocks in Investors Business Daily.

  • Propel the Price of the Stock Higher

A big plus for stocks is when institutional investors such as mutual and pension funds are buying them.  They will eventually propel the price of the stock higher with their volume purchasing.

  • Safe Entry Price Ranges

A look at just the fundamentals isn’t enough.  Interpreting stock charts will help you pinpoint safe entry price ranges.  The five reliable bases or patterns to enter a stock are the cup with handle, the flat base, the flag, the rounded bottom and the double bottom.

  • Volume for The Stock

When price breaks out of these bases, you should make sure that volume for the stock also surges.

  • Take Time to Study and Understand

Old trading beliefs are hard to change.  But once you change them to more effective and proven ones, you will be on the way to success.  Take time to study and understand why you should buy high and sell higher – once that concept sinks in, you may start to wonder how you could follow any other approach.

These stock market trading tips will guide you little to invest in any stock market, like, stock market of India, the New York stock exchange, the Bombay stock exchange or the National stock exchange.

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