e-STS : Search Here

Friday, May 26, 2023

Static Web Pages and Dynamic Web Page

Static Web Pages

Companies that are new to the net must take a while to understand it.  This is best done through static web pages.  A Static Web site requires a host server that is usually an ISP.  You have ample choice to choose from the few million servers all over the world.  The Primary factors governing the choice of the server are :

  • The software capabilities of the server.  The server can support only some specific software and the company may be restricted to these technologies.  Changing the host server during the course of the web journey is possible, but may require precious re-working.
  • The speed of the server could be an important factor in deciding the fate of your web site.  Web surfers hate to wait for web pages to download.
  • The price for server is very competitive and may not be a very significant factors in the decision.
  • Support services over the long term have to be assured.  Statistical reports and some other reports of web activity can aid decision making.
  • The future needs and technology upgrades are not anticipated in good time.

Integration with Operational Databases

The next step is to integrate the web site with the operational databases protected behind firewalls.  The databases could be related to the supply chain, distribution chain, manufacturing, product development and ‘management information.  Business processes go through a metamorphosis from a manual or partially electronic stage to a completely electronic stage.

Website Project Development

Dynamic Web Site

The third stage is to build a dynamic web site.  This provides all the information that a customer needs to make purchases.

The salient features are :

  • Good search facilities to quickly get to the product or information that a customer needs.
  • Quick and easy navigation so that a surfer can get to where he wants to in less than three clicks.
  • Focused pre-sale and post-sale information that can aid the purchase decision.  Such information can assist in building confidence and trust in the organization.
  • Regular updates to the home page and other pages so that a regular visitor remains interested.
  • Enough avenues to accept feedback.  All feedback must be acknowledged and appropriated responded.  Action based on feedback is the key to future success.
  • The web site must be aesthetically done without being very heavy on graphics.  Graphics can take a long time to download and surfers may leave the site by then.  Use of Hi-tech software for special effects must be done prudently keeping in mind that browsers require plug-ins and add-ons to produce the desired effects.  Download time and the dependence on client machine for processing is also high.
  • Customers prefer personalized services.  Any efforts made in this direction are not wasted.  Maintaining personal preferences of customers and profiling them helps in providing value-added services and facilitates customer loyalty.
  • The web site will never get seen until it is properly publicized.  Listing on search engines, affiliate programmers and advertising on related sites are some of the common methods for publicity.

A good web site may be developed internally or may require external assistance.  It requires a lot of thought, planning and careful detailing to handle nuances.

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