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Friday, May 12, 2023

Software Courses Project Development

Software Technology Project Development

In a Software Technology many Application Projects can be done.  The following are the Software Technology.

  • C,

  • C++

  • Visual Basic 6.0,

  • Java Technologies,

  • Dot Net Technologies,

  • PHP,

  • ASP Dot Net,

  • VB Dot Net,

  • Python etc.,

Software Technology Project Are

C, C++ Projects Are

  1. To Find Biggest of Two Numbers,

  2. Palindrome Check,

  3. Fibonacci Series,

  4. Payroll Calculation,

VB, Visual Studio Projects Are

  1. Library Book Issue Software,

  2. Student Mark Statement Software,

  3. Election Candidate Eligible Checking Software,

  4. School Website Development,

  5. Hospital Management Software,

  6. Company Stock Maintenance Software,

  7. Logistics Maintenance Software,

  8. Courier Parcel Service Software,

  9. Medical Store Software,

  10. Textile Cloth Store Software,

  11. Department Store Software,

  12. Theatre Show Booking Software,

  13. Travels Booking Software,

Software Courses Project Development

Web Development Software Are

  1. School Website Development,

  2. College Website Development,

  3. Textile Company Website Development,

  4. Department Store Website Development,

  5. Hospital Website Development,

  6. Theatre Ticket Booking Website,

  7. Manufacturing Company Website Development,

  8. Textile Store Website Development,

  9. Online Shopping Website Development.

  10. Hotel Booking Website Development,

  11. Matrimony Website Development,

Mobile Application Software Are

  1. Jobs Mobile App,

  2. Booking App,

  3. Shopping App,

  4. Money Transaction App,

  5. Mobile Recharge App,

  6. Matrimony App,

Other Software Are

  1. Networking Software Application,

  2. Multimedia Software Application,

  3. Website Domain Registration,

  4. Website Hosting,

  5. Cloud Hosting,

  6. Domain Transfer,

  7. Logo Creation Software,

  8. Web Designing,

  9. Animation and Graphics Software,

  10. Media Software,

  11. Visiting Card Printing,

  12. Flex Printing Software etc.,

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