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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Self Development Tips

Self Development

When a Peron Started to enter into his Career a Self Development is also Started.  By Studied Education, Work Experience a Self Development of a Persons Life is Developed. A Self Development of a Person is more Important. 

The following are the Self Development Tips and Thoughts.

  • In order to overcome a lack of self confidence it is essential to realise and to believe that it is a mental attitude that can be cured. 

  • Trite as this sounds, it is necessary to stress it.  So many of my correspondents seem to think that in their case there is nothing to be done, although others may be successful.

  • Note carefully those words “a mental attitude,” for while I admit that poor physical health may be a contributory cause, shyness and timidity are things of the mind and call for mental measured.

  • That is why I speak of “Self Development.”  It is your mental attitude that needs correction if you lack confidence, and “self-help” is the only kind that is of any avail.

  • Attend to the physical side by all means.  An unhealthy body cannot fail to react unfavorably on the mind.
    Self Development Tips

  • Like all problems, analysis is the first need.  Self Knowledge must precede self-development.  Don’t blunder vaguely in the dark.  No one lacks confidence at all points.  Find out very exactly just where the trouble lies.

  • Then Tackle the difficulties one at a time.  Do you mistrust your abilities ? There is some hobby, possibly at which you shine – proof that along certain lines your capability is sound.  If you can do that, you can do other things equally well-given interest and practice.

  • There must be some people with whom you are not shy.  Isn’t it, again interest ?  This time, a community of interest ? This time, a community of interest ?  Next time you meet anyone, try to
    discover some common ground.  You Will forget to be shy.

  • Self Development means a search for interest.  Lack of confidence implies  weak mental “muscles.”  Exercise them and make them strong.

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