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Monday, May 15, 2023

How to Expect and Receive Happiness

Expect and Receive Happiness

Perhaps you know people who say, “I would like to be happy but I can’t!” Have you ever said that
about yourself ? I’m sure you have, because we all do.

You need to prepare yourself for happiness just as you would prepared for any possible occurrence.  Happiness breeds happiness.  You need to start by being ready to accept it.

How can you prepare yourself ?

One way is to take down your barriers against happiness.  You may have unconsciously adopted a defensive attitude are caused by earlier experiences of rejection by a loved one, a friend or an important
person.  The child who rushes home to share a school triumph with his mother and is greeted only with indifference will more than likely grow up to be afraid of happiness.  He will not expect to have it in his life.

Your Personality

If you resist happiness, it may be because you are afraid.  You may be afraid to share your life and feelings with others.  You must learn that your personality will only be enhanced and grow when you
can share not just your possessions, but your feelings, your hopes and aspirations, even your innermost fears. 
The fear of the diminishing of personality is indicative of the emotionally immature person.

How to Prepare Yourself to Expect and Receive Happiness

People Happiness

You must be receptive to happiness.  You should not say, as some people do, that happiness does not exist, that happiness is a myth.

Happiness does exist, and it is within your reach.  You have been hurt in the past by either indifference or rejection, but you do not need to continue to expect to receive these negative responses.

“Start each day by expecting to find happiness”.

As you continue reading, you will find practical suggestions on how you can achieve personal happiness.

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