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Monday, May 22, 2023

Optimistic and Pessimistic Person

Depression or Pessimism

There are two sides of a coin. 1. Optimism 2. Pessimism. Observe the person. Pessimistic person laughs to forget. An optimistic person never forget to laugh. Laugh is positive. Forget to laugh is negative. See the difference. Choose always positive.

Optimistic Person

An optimistic person to cultivate good habits. He treats both failures and success as same. Success and failures are two sides of a coin. An optimistic person always consider the difficulties as challenge. Winning the problems is a game. The person who have strength and will power is always a
winner. He enchases the situation. Hard work leads to us. Believe in hard work. Through hard work you can win the world.

Pessimistic Person

A pessimistic person’s face is covered with clouds. He is talking negative. He irritates himself and others also. He says: “ It is all my bad luck, nobody in this world honors me”. In this way he became unhappy.

Happiness Makes

A optimistic person enjoys every moment of his life. His face is a like a flower. Happiness makes his mind fresh and smart. Mental happiness is reflect on his face. He will be happy for taking birth in this world. He loves the whole world i.e., nature, beauty, friends, joys and as well as sorrows, agony, sorrow and agony is also a part in our life. Joy can makes us positive. Why can’t you change negative things into positive. This is the way optimistic person thinks.

Contentment means the person has satisfied for what he has obtained. Because life is precious. Contentment is a great resource. He never grumbles.

Optimistic Person
Negative Thinking

Pessimism is a negative thought. He is not happy and peaceful. Negative thoughts makes the mind weak and bad things are playing in his mind. Then he became nor useless neither anti-social element. Negative thinking is the root for unhappiness. Believe yourself. Nobody can help you to get
happiness. You are the creator for your happiness. No one can make you happy. Be positive, be optimistic.

Aspects for Success

Find out the reasons for worry, sorrow and disappointment. Make your weak points into strong. Eliminate negative things. Human has many weak poins. But God has given an opportunity to make them as strong. Understand and estimate your ability. Calculate the project and concept. Divide project into different steps. Remember always one thing. Optimism is the prime aspect for success. Then time management, hard work, accurate planning, dedication, concentration are the
other aspects for success.

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