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Monday, May 22, 2023

Networking Business Building

Business Building

Building a successful Network operates under the same principle as building a family.  The growth is considerably quicker, of course.  Whereas a family takes some 80 to 120 years to duplicate itself to 4 to 5 generations, a Network will build to 4 or 5 generations, or levels, within 8 to 12 months.

Although faster, the Principles involved, when followed, ensure stability and growth.  Networkers fall apart in the same way that families do when the principles of building strong relationships are not 
followed.  Things fall apart because of lack of communication emanating from lack of trust.

The following are the Step by Step Network Business Operate.

  1. Invest Time.

  2. Independence.

  3. Taking Responsibility.

  4. Respond not React.

  5. Think on Paper.

  6. Love it.

  7. Share the What not the How.

  8. Follow up.
Business Building
Network Growth

How far and how fast your Network grows will depend on how soon you find you 3 to 6 key people,
and how many hours a week you are prepared to spend teaching them.  You may have to contact many times the eventual number, but they are around.

Using a system, similar to the one described earlier, does at least make certain that what you teach them is duplicated.  It could be said of your first days in business that you did more than what you got paid
for, as your Network grows it will feel that you are paid for more than you do.

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