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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Improving Person Positive Self Image

About Positive Self Image

The Person is really very easy to develop a positive self image.  The simplest way is to consistently achieve success in whatever you do and to have people commonly tell you how great you are.  Eventually, you’ll start to believe your own press clippings.  However, if you are always successful, your tasks are probably too easy and your goals are set too low.

Here are 8 things you can do right now to build your positive self image and motivate yourself as an inner winner.  Notice how many of the items on this list refer directly to goal setting and motivation.

1.Take Responsibility

For every your actions and behaviors.  When you do it. You did it.  Never assign or deflect blame.

2.Develop self awareness

The Person have to use insight and reflection to assess your strengths, skills, capabilities, and areas for improvement.  The Self awareness cannot be quantified in terms of hard sales numbers, but it is a key
ingredient in making you an inner winner in the game of selling.


The Person must take time to plan your life, your job, and your day.  Set your goals and go after them in both a systematic and a random manner vacation than they spend planning their lives or careers.

4.Establish direction

The Person have to Prioritize your goals and take the appropriate actions in achieve them.  As long as you keep moving in the direction of your goals, your achievements will eventually get you there.

Improving Self Image

5.Expect success

The self image of a person inner winners relates closely to their self determined probability of success.  Inner winners associate an expectation of a successful outcome with each activity.  People who expect to achieve success do so more often then do those who never set a level of expectation.

6.Take Action

For Everyone nothing will change unless you take action to achieve and build your self image.

7.Remain flexible, yet disciplined

Everybody have to Stay the course.  Proceed with your planned course of action, but remain flexible. Change according to the needs of the situation.  Evaluate your performance in light of your goals and expectancies and reward yourself accordingly.

8.Take Credit

The Person often attribute our behavior in a given situation to the outcome of the behavior.  Inner winners attribute positive outcomes to their ability and they view negative results as learning opportunities, less successful people attribute positive outcomes to luck and negative  results to their own lack of skill.

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