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Monday, May 15, 2023

How To Save Money From Earning

Your Financial Freedom

Money You Earn

Financial Freedom does not happen overnight.  Regardless of what money you earn, or wealth you accumulate, it is, in itself, a form of energy and, as such, also adheres to fundamental principles.

Wealth is Common Sense

The fundamental principle of acquiring wealth is common sense.  Make money before you spend it and spend less than you earn.  Because of the availability of credit, however, common practice is to decide what you want to have and borrow in order to get it as quickly you can.  The principle of becoming something before having is important here.  The anticipation of earning more income entices many to spend more than they should on entertainment and gifts. 

Enjoying Financial Freedom

Money management is absolutely essential to enjoying Financial Freedom.  Regardless of what your future income may be, you will have very little chance of saving anything, unless you discipline yourself to start, now.

Money Management

Perhaps, because they experience so many individuals and couples beginning to enjoy larger income.  Amway increases the awareness of this discipline through their advisory manual.  This is made available to their direct distributors, who reach the position of dealing with them direct, to provide valuable information towards achieving financial independence.  For example, in the section under Money Management they state : “Saving is a discipline which must be practiced.  It is not a dividend that comes with higher earnings.  You must plan in order to save and the only way to do this is to set a side a certain part of everything you earn”.

How To Save Money From Earning

Your financial Success

It is important to know how to deal with your wealth as it begins to come in.  There is no better concept than Networking to propel the individual towards Financial Freedom.  But only your actions, with regard to dealing with your financial success, will determine that you keep your Financial Freedom.

Principle of Success

It is only your actions that will allow you to build towards your Financial Freedom.  Harnessing the Principle of Success, together with the powerful Networking vehicle, will take you to where you dream of going and beyond.  Make this the day that you decide, once and for all, to create a clear understanding and acknowledgement of your unlimited potential that already exists within.

Networking Vehicle

Use all the tools that are available to you.  Set your goals, make a commitment and do not let anyone steal your dreams.  True success is having a belief in yourself and accepting that it is having a belief in yourself and accepting that it is just another name for your unlimited power-to-be.  The Networking vehicle will take you there but it has to be driven correctly.

It is over to you.  Are you going to drive it the wrong way, or the right way ?

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