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Thursday, May 25, 2023

How To Overcome From Difficulties

The Causes Of Sorrow

Happiness and Sorrow are shadow in our life.  To remain ever happy, remove sorrow.  Sorrow is a negative feeling.  It reduces our capability, ability and potential.  The
path of sorrow is full of difficulties.

What are the Causes of Sorrow ?

Main reason is irrational thinking, lack of practicality.  Emotions and practical thinking are two faces of the same coin.  When a man want to do professional things, please reduce your emotions.  Its helpful in personal relations.  But professional it affect to our success.  When a an get bad results, he become depressed.

God’s best creation is man.  Man is an intelligent and social animal.  Man never invites
difficulties.  But God wants to test us.  He give lot of troubles.  A capable man can survive from troubles.  Troubles and difficulties are natural in life.  Some people are very sensitive and weak minded.  A man who has dare personality can over come from troubles. 
Otherwise he himself dig a  pit and destroy his life.

 The Causes Of Sorrow

Over come from Difficulty

Difficulties are common in everybody’s life.  A man can mature and develop a personality when he is in troubles. Troubles and difficulties are good teachers in life.  They thought us
to how live and lead our life.  They are the best friend for us.

Success has no short cut.  It requires lot of patience.  At the same time intelligent too necessary.  A lazy man never achieves success.  Success is not his cup of tea.

Then who is the right person to achieve success ?

Yeh ! It is a million dollor question !

Success needs or requires many ingredients.  Right thinking, right path, patience, concentration, interest, zeal, potential, firm mind.  These are all few points are
necessary to earn success.  Success is a sweet fruit.

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