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Monday, May 15, 2023

How to Organize a Day Work

Less Is More An Innovative Way to Organize Your Days

Spending To Much Time

How Many of You Reach The End Of The Day and feel like you haven’t accomplished very much ? 
Here you’ve been working like a dog all day long, forgetting to eat lunch because you were so busy, and then five o’clock comes along and you still haven’t gotten done what you really wanted to get done.  Chances are you’re spending too much time on the details or the non-essentials, rather than on what matters most, the priorities.

High Powered Strategies

Let me tell you about an innovative way to organize your days so you can feel more productive and fulfilled.  What makes it so innovative ? The secret lies in its simplicity.  Perhaps you’d rather have some high-powered strategies that include pages and pages for your Day-Timer or calendar in order to stay organized.  But this isn’t about more and complex, it’s about less and simple.  It’s called “The
Daily Three.” 

Your Priorities

The Daily Three is a practice you can immediately begin to implement every single day.  It’s simple, practical and doable… if you follow it.  It’s about selecting the top three priorities you absolutely must get done by the end of the day, no matter what.  These are the three things that matter most, that are the most important.  They are your priorities.  They are those things that if you accomplished them by the end of the day you can say, “Now today I got a lot done” and feel good about it. 

How to Organize a Day Work in Innovative Way
Successful Key

Don’t make the mistake one of my clients made.  He implemented the Daily Three with a slight twist.  Instead of choosing three priorities, he chose five.  And consequently, he set himself up for failure.  His desire to do more actually slowed him down and sabotaged his success.  His “more is better” mindset didn’t work, and he learned the hard way that the old adage “less is more” is the key to being successful when using the Daily Three.

Try and See For Yourself

You may be thinking this isn’t anything new.  Or that it’s too simple so you’re not going to try it.  However, I challenge you to do this every single day for one week and see for yourself the results it will bring.  My client will tell you that he accomplishes much more and is more fulfilled in his work when he consistently follows his Daily Three.  And he gets overwhelmed and frustrated when he doesn’t.  Give it a try and see for yourself.

You Begin Practicing

This week give yourself permission to do less and experience the joy of achieving more.  It starts with shifting your belief system from “more is better” to “less is more.”  When you adopt this new mindset, and that means not just intellectually but with a believing heart too, you’ll be living success…from the  inside out.  By consistently setting and following your Daily Three, you’ll achieve much success over time.  Take an adaptation of an old saying to heart as you begin practicing this simple and innovative  way to organize your days, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single Daily Three, day after day.

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