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Monday, May 15, 2023

How to Make a Good Performing Team

A High Performing Team

A Team is a small group of people (ideally consisting of between five or seven members) with complementary skills who are committed to working with each other toward a common Purpose.  A Team is not just any group working together, Groups do not become teams just because someone labels them a team.

Some of the Key Characteristics of a High Performing Team :

  • Members Care About Each Other,
  • High Energy,
  • Aim Frame Discussions,
  • Closeness,
  • Common Vision and Purpose,
  • Fun as a Team,
  • Creative Problem Solving,
  • High Trust among Team Members,
  • Continuous Improvement.

What Can you do to Move the Team Forward, but rather, What can you do to Help Keep the Team Performing at high levels.  

Good Performance in Team

Some ideas include :

  1. Celebrate Successes

In Watching Great Teams perform, we have observed that they will find a reason to celebrate every success.  Part of their motivation is knowing they will recognize the superior accomplishments of the team.

2.     Do a Team Audit

When things are going great, most people will feel comfortable addressing the question, “What could we have done even better ?”

  1. Change your Role to Facilitator

High performing teams will operate whether the leader is present or not.  Knowing that, become a facilitator, rather than the “supervisor,”  High Performing teams know what needs to be done.

4.     Set New Goals and Vision

If the group is not continually Setting new challenging goals, the team will lose its drive and motivation.  People want to be a part of a team that is accomplishing something great.

  1. Have Fun

There is no greater reward than being a part of a fun team !

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