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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

How to Get Success in Business

Success in Business

Love Yourself

This thinking is absurd.  You cannot understand others until you understand yourself, and cannot respect all others until you respect all of yourself.  Loving yourself does not mean being conceited.  It means having a wholesome self respect for the unique individual that you are.  To the degree that you love yourself, you believe in yourself.  When you believe in yourself, it is only a matter of time before you achieve everything you set out to be, do and have.

Success Rate

Ask yourself how much you like being you on a scale of 1 to 100 ? Is it 1 0 % ? Or, is it nearer 80%, 70%, 60% or even 50% ? Ask yourself; is your success proportionate to the percentage you have just chosen ? You already know the answer because your common sense tells you.  You know what to do, but are you doing what it takes to feel good about the person that you are ?

Law of Inertia

In Physics an object will remain moving in one direction until another object forces it to change.  The Law of Inertia states that an object will remain at rest until it is acted upon by another force which cause it to move.

Principal of Personal Development

The purpose of personal development is to provide the impetus for us to move forward.  The Principal of Personal Development is never-ending.  Character development follows a continuous sequence of events.  Never stop immersing yourself in the tools that aid you into growing as a human being.  It is not something that you ‘tick off as a to do list’.

How to Get Success in Business

Set Your Goals

Although libraries are free, only a few people are members.  Only a small percentage of people read a
whole non-fiction book after they leave school.  Leaders, however, are readers.  They recognize that nothing quite stimulates the brain cells, or gives free range to their creativity, like reading.  As our goals should help us in our becoming, rather than having, anyone who makes a goal to read at least one book a month is on the way to achieving what they want.  Again ask yourself.  If you were to read 12 books a year, in a world where most people do not even read one after leaving school, would you improve ?

Make Positive Changes

In deciding to make positive changes in your life and seeking to fulfill what you are capable of doing through releasing your potential, you must learn to turn yourself off from negative opinions.  What, is of greater concern to you ?  What others may or may not think about your Networking Business ? Or, the realization of your dreams ?

Develop Successful Lives

Those people who are unwilling to develop successful lives for themselves will always take delight in staling your dreams.  They will do this by making disparaging remarks about your company, its products and marketing plan.

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