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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

How To Get Success From Failure

How To Recognize Success In “Failure”

Achieve his Goal

A Client I’m Working With Set A Goal to enroll three pilot customers within 90 days for his new Internet business.  Each week, he took the steps necessary to help him achieve his goal.  And, each week he was one step closer to his accomplishment.

More Customers

The end of his target was drawing near, and he still had two more customers to enroll.  His deadline passed without achieving his goal.  Even though he had many potential customers, there were some details he had to work out first, which he hadn’t originally thought of.  Therefore, is his mind, he decided he had failed in achieving his goal.  He was very disappointed and became discouraged and de-motivated.  And consequently, he completely missed the success that was buried in his perceived

Reach One of his Goals

I suggested he take a look at Bill Gates.  Certainly he had his share of “failures” along the way.   When he failed to reach one of his goals, did he let that stop him ? 

Absolutely not!

Successful People

Gates re-evaluated the goal, re-grouped, and revised.  And, you can bet he didn’t do this all on his own.  He asked his key people to help.  Gates recognized that successful people look at what’s worked, learn from what hasn’t, set new priorities, and then move on.  You don’t see them dragging their
“failures” into work with them every morning.  Gates is where he is because he knows the importance of looking for the success in the “failure.”

Recognize Success In Failure

Achieving Success

My client then put on his “Bill Gates” hat.  He re-evaluated the goal he had set and realized that had it not been for the actions he had already taken, he wouldn’t have known he had to first shore up his business infrastructure in order to be ready for his customers.  What first looked like a failure was actually a success.  Once he took the time to reflect on and recognize the success in his “failure”, he was able to re-group and revise his strategy to reach his goal.  He was now back on his way to achieving success…from the inside out.

Focus on Failure

It’s important for you to see the process my client took so you can do the same.  Ask yourself this, “Where are you focusing on failure rather than success ?”  Take one perceived “failure” and follow the steps below.

How To Recognize Success In “Failure, An Exercise

A. Re-Evaluate

  1. Look at what worked well.

  2. Look at what didn’t work well.

  3. Determine what you learned.

B. Re-group and Revise

  1. See the success and let go of the “failure”.

  2. Identify where to go next.

  3. Set new Priorities.

  4. Revise your goal and do whatever it takes to get there.

Whenever you feel like you’ve failed in something, put on your “Bill Gates” hat and look for the success in the “failure”.

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