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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

How to Get Rewards in a Company

Collect the Rewards

Winning the inner game and collecting the rewards is within your reach.  If you practice each of the following points, you will greatly enhance the probability of a peak performance every time at bat.

  • Always use mental practice before physically performing.
  • When you visualize, only imagine success and successful outcomes.

  • If negative thoughts or images creep in, change them mentally before you physically perform.

  • Physically practice what you mentally rehearse.

  • Perform without mental interference.

  • Review your performance, make changes mentally first, then physically.

When you do these things, these benefits will follow :

1.You will sell more 

When you sell more in less time with less stress.  Sales will come easier for you.  You will be mentally and physically prepared for the perfect sale, as well as for any eventuality that may occur.  Since you are so well prepared, things won’t bother you.  Your self confidence will be apparent to prospects and customers, so they will want to buy from you. 

2,You will be consistently successful.

When you will consistently success in sales as well as in other areas of your life.  Since winning the inner game is more mental than physical, its influence will transfer into all areas of your life.  After all, you take your mind with you whatever you go and the mental strategies, tactics and techniques that will
help you to succeed in sales will help you succeed in all areas of your life.

3.You will have more satisfied customers, family members, and friends.

Everyone will benefit from your new attitude, your higher self esteem and confidence, and your more positive approach to life.  You will make more sales and enjoy your job more, which means you will provide better service to your customers.  You will be more positive and happier, so your family and friends will enjoy being with you even more.

You will be more satisfied with your personal and professional life, because when things go your way, you cannot help but be satisfied.

How to Get Rewards in a Company

4.You will enjoy Learning, Practicing, and Performing.

Elite athletes understand the value of life long learning in their sport, constant practice, and the benefits these bring to their performance.  You will reach the same pinnacle in sales.

5.You will develop a whole brain approach to performance.

It may seem that your mind is not involved in an activity when you are not consciously thinking about what you are doing, but nothing could be further from the truth.  Your brain or mind or body is involved in every performance and you perform subconsciously when all the parts work in synchrony.  This mind body integration increases the number of peak experiences you will have.

6.You will become more resourceful.

You will better understand the resources you already have at hand by becoming better acquainted with your “resourceful self”.  This is the self you call on when you wish to perform at your peak.  Think back to one of your past peak performance.  Experience the sights, sounds, feelings, sensations, and everything else about that performance.  Observe the way you looked and felt.  Notice your posture and your physiology.  That is your resourceful self.  With practice and a combination of relaxation, imagery and positive self talk, you can all on that resourceful self in any situation.  You will be an inner and outer winner as a result.

Study these benefits repeatedly as they will serve to motive you.  Whenever the going gets though during a sales call, a presentation or a service call, think of these benefits and call upon your resourceful self.

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