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Monday, May 15, 2023

How to Concentrate in Work

How to Concentrate

A man should do their work by Full Concentration in it.  The following are the way, how to Concentrate in Work and Doing are as Follows.

  • We saw last week that the creation of interested is the essential starting point for concentration.

  • Concentration or paying attention is an ability that can be cultivated to any extent.  In other words, it can be made into a habit. 

  • Like any other habit, it needs constant practice if success is to be attained.

  • Here is a simple way to giving the habit of paying close attention the daily practice that is needed to establish it firmly.

  • Everybody can manage to find a spare half hour for reading.  Use this as your practice ground.

  • Forget about that enthralling novel you wish to read.

  • You can find another odd half hour in which to enjoy that.

  • Reading novels involves no effort anyway.  It is interesting and automatically holds your attention.

  • Choose instead some book in which you are not interested.  Take, for example, a solid book on economics, history, polities.
    How to Concentrate in Work

  • For half an hour a day force yourself to read it, and force yourself to follow its arguments.

  • Bring your will power into play, and hold your attention to its task in spite of all temptations to the contrary.

  • It will not be easy at first.  Habit formation is never easy in its initial stages.

  • Make a rule never to miss a single day. 
  • And having made the rule stick to it. Gradually you will find your self appointed task
  • growing easier.

  • And there will come a day when you will find it needs no effort at all.

  • For your constant attention to your subject will have brought an unexpected reward.  You
    will find yourself interested in it.

  • Having become interested, you will need no further spur.  And, incidentally, you will
    have substantially increased your knowledge.

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