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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

How To Achieve a Goal

Looking Outwards

The man have to Think Broadly to Achieve their Goals.  There is more opportunities are available if we See Outwards.  The following are the Look Outwards Thoughts. 

  • The Americans gave a phrase whereby they describe a man as “a good mixer”; a man, that is who is at home in any society, who “gets on” with anyone with whom he is thrown in to contact.
  • There is no secret about such a man.  It is, I grant you, partly a matter of personal characteristics, but it is still more a question of adaptability.
  • If we dug a little deeper still we should find it was also a question of being able to see the other person’s point of view.
  • There is one characteristic that is outstanding about the human machine – its well nigh limitless power of adaptation to circumstances and to emergencies.

  • It is a power that it pays everyone to be fully conscious of, that it behaves us all to train and use.

  • If we turn all our thoughts inward to ourselves we shall find it very difficult to adapt ourselves.  It can only be done by continually thinking outwards, as it were.

  • Your Self-centred man, whose first and only question when confronted by a new situation is “How is this going to affect me ?” can never be a good mixer.
    Looking Outwards

  • He erects a wall of selfishness between himself and others.  He implies that there can be no other view point than his own.

  • He broods over fancied wrongs, becomes suspicious, indulges in self pity.

  • The remedy is to be interested in people, to lend a receptive mind to their views and opinions, and to realize that people are interested in you in the same way.

  • Remember, too, that what seem so important to you may be negligible to someone else. 
    Cultivate a sense of perspective.  Try putting yourself in the other fellow’s place.

  • You are not the only person in the world !.

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