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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

How People want to Like US

Practice It

Many People 

Most of us want people to like us.  Life seems better that way.  We seldom complain about being liked too much by too many people! 

We Along With Others

Whether or not other like us is largely up to us.  It depends on what we do and how we get along with others.  Many of us are not getting along with others as well as we like to pretend.

Intend To Change

We say we want others to like us for who we are.  That often means we are not doing things we ought to do and we don’t intend to change, either.  “Why can’t they just like me the way I am ?”  Truth is, to be liked we must be likable.

Friendly Attitude

Being likeable is not all that hard to do.  For openers, are you really interested in other people ? We seldom like people who act as if they are only interested in themselves.  When you meet someone, smile while you talk to them.  Convey a friendly attitude.  Ask about their concerns.  Be understanding and considerate of their feeling.

“Whether Or Not Others Like Us Is Largely Up To Us.”

Genuine Happy

Greet people as soon as you see them.  Don’t wait for them to greet you first.  Call them by name.  Give them the impression that are you are genuinely happy to see them.

Act like you enjoy life.  Look on the optimistic side of things even when you don’t feel like it.  Express yourself in positive ways.  Don’t be a whiner and complainer.

How Likeable Are You

Good In People

Never try to make yourself look good by putting others down.  Build others up instead of criticizing them.  Look for the good in people.  Praise others generously, both to their face and behind their back.

 Practice Good Manners

Be courteous and practice good manners at all times.  It takes no more time to be courteous than to be rude, and it pays much better dividends.  Be patient, no matter what happens.

Start Practicing

If you would like to increase your likeability quotient, start practicing all these ideas on a regular basis.  When you do, you will find it is not different to get other people to like you. 

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