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Friday, May 12, 2023

How a College Student Project Work will be Done

College UG, PG Student Project Work

The Student who is Studying B.Sc Computer Science, BCA, B.Sc Information Technology, B.Sc Computer Technology, BE Computer Science and Engineering, B.Tech Information Technology, MCA, M.Sc Computer Science, M.Sc Information Technology, M.Sc Computer Technology.

For all those Courses a Final Semester Project Work have to do for their Curriculum.

  • In College for every student a Department Staff will be allocated as a Guide to the Specific Student. The Staff have to guide the student for how to do the Project. 
  • The following are the Guidance of the Staff for Computer Science Courses. 
  • The Time Duration for Project Doing is Last Full Semester. 
  • The student have to choose the company for doing the project. The Sufficient Time is given to the student for choosing the company. 
  • In Company also one Staff have to allocate for Guiding the Project. 
  • After Choosing the Company, the student have to submit the Company Confirmation Certificate which is get from Company with Authorized Person Signature. 
  • The Project Student have to report to the College Guide every day about the Project Work. The Guide will Check the Project Work and Guide. 
  • The Computer Student have to Choose the Project Software Technologies for doing the Project. 
      • Front End Software Technology, 
      • Back End Software Technology. 
  • Then Student have to submit the Synopsis of the Project to the College Department Guide. 
  • The System Study and Problem Formulation are done.

College Student Projects

The Documents Prepared During Project Work are : 

  • Existing System, 
  • Proposed System, 
  • System Objective,
  • System Requirement, 
  • Hardware Specification, 
  • Software Specification. 
  • Then System Design and Development, 
  • Input Design, 
  • Output Design, 
  • Database Design, 
  • Code Design, 
  • E-R Diagram, 
  • Flow Diagram, 
  • The next System Implementation, 
  • Implementation Plan, 
  • System Testing, 
  • System Security. ·        

     The Company Guide and College Guide have to Get all above shown Documentation Contents  and Correct all those Work for Documentation. 

·       In Project Duration a 3 to 4 Project Review have to submit to the Guide. 

·   Then at the end of the Project Duration, Documentation is main process in Project Complementation. 

·      After Completing the Full Project, the Project Completed Successfully Certificate have to get from the Company with Authorized Person Signature from Company Letter Pad. 

·    After Documentation Completion and Signature from Guide, Head of the Department and Principal. 

·  The Project 2 to 3 Documentation Record is Prepared and submitted in the College Department. 

·   At last Documentation Project Viva Vice will be Conducted in a Specified Day of the Semester. For that the Student have to well prepared for Project Viva Vice.

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