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Monday, May 15, 2023

Hard Work and Smart Work Article

About Hard Work

We can divided the work as smart work and hard work.  Initially stick on to hard work, gradually hard work turns into smart work.  To earn success both are very important.

What is Hard Work ?

Involvement is very important.  Concentration too important.  Prepare your project properly.  Then start work.  Divide your work on time management.  Finish your work within the schedule.  When you finish your work within the time, you have done a hard work.

What is Concept ?

Concept is a seed.  Select a good Concept.  Happiness is a tree.  When you choose a good seed, definitely good tree will grow.  The seed of the happiness also same.  When you select a good friend, you will become good.  Understand the concept first, then proceed to your work.  Choose good company.  Divide your work.  Select a right person.  Distribute your work to them.  They are the right persons to share your work.  When you ready to share your work with others, at the same you share your joys and pleasures.  Simultaneously pains and sorrow also. 

Key Factor for Success

Hard work makes us confident.  Confident is a key factor for success.  Success makes a man to feel
happy.  The content of happiness is hide at confidence.  Try to earn or achieve the confidence through hard work.  Keep on working, consistency on work gives us real happiness.

What is Smart work ?

Smart work means when a person involve in his work, automatically, it improves the quality of
work.  Experience also helps to do smart work.  First know the key factors of hard working.  It helps to improve your work.  When you know the secret of the hard work, logically you can understand the meaning of smart work.

Hard Work and Smart Work Article

Smart Work Example

For example, pupil’s primary duty is reading.  Initially, pupil hardly concentrate on his studies, it is hard work.  Involvement is important.  Involvement plus hard work will become smart work.  Both are important and essential for success.  The man who know the value of hard work will achieve his goal.

Person to Person

Goal is very important.  Pupil’s goal is getting good marks in his examination.  Unemployee's
is goal to get a good job.  Goal is different from person to person.  Every goal is precious.  It is like God.  God is almighty!  He is supreme.  Believe him and start working.  Hard work is also God.  The man who believe in hard work will become a great achiever.  Achiever is a great source to society.  Society respects the achiever.  The real happiness is this.

Tremendous Opportunity

Hard work is a great resource to success.  Success and happiness are playing side by side.  Now
a days the chances of employment has improved.  It is a tremendous opportunity.  India is a
traditional country.  People are restricted to their believes.  But the situation has changed now.


The youngsters are ready to work hard.  It is a good sign.  It improves our status.  Hard work provides us more comforts.  Comforts means joy.  Joy is pleasure.  Pleasure is happiness.  Happiness will built a good society.  Good society and healthy society is

Utilize your Talent

Joy and happiness are two faces for one coin.  Hard work means utilize your talent, capacity in right way.  Relaxation is also necessary.  It is a cycle.  When you feel fresh do work.  When you feel tired go for relaxation.

Great Gift 

Happiness is necessary to built a healthy society.  It is a great feeling.  Happiness is an invisible feeling.  But it shows a prosperous way.  No doubt, a creative man can change his feelings easily.  Hard work makes and changes our life.  Doing hard work is a great gift. 

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