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Monday, May 15, 2023

Happiness Sentence and Thoughts

Highlighting Sentences of Happiness in Personality Development

  1. When we have accepted the worst, we have nothing more to lose.

  2. Result: True peace of mind.

  3. Everyone Should have a Golden tongue and a Golden Pen.

  4. Be patient while analyzing and impatient while executing.

  5. Be Concentrating on one thing, are you overlooking other things that could bring you happiness ?

  6. Some People Bring happiness wherever they go, others bring happiness whenever they go.

  7. A reasonable goal is to be happy at least several hours each day.

  8. Change yourself, and your life will change on its own.

  9. Two men looked out from the same window, one saw the dust, the other saw the stars.

  10. Don’t worry about what other people are thinking about you.  They are busy worrying 
    over what you are thinking about them.

  11. Happy memories requires preparation.

  12. Aim at the stars and you may land on the moon.  If you stand on the ground with the crowds all around, you will get nowhere.

  13. Getters generally don’t get happiness; givers get it.

  14. What the mind of man can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.  Conceive happiness.

  15. The only goal which is common to all mankind is to attain happiness.

  16. The happiness of our live depends on the wholesomeness of our thoughts.

  17. Think and act cheerfully, and you will feel cheerful.

  18. Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.

  19. Ninety per cent of things, in our lives are right and only ten per cent are wrong.

  20. Start Each Day by Expecting to find happiness.
    Happiness Sentence and Thoughts

  21. A smile is better than the most expensive gift.

  22. If you have to criticize, do it lovingly.

  23. Accept sorrows and failure in order to enjoy happiness.

  24. Learn to live with yourself and your quiet moments.  It will increase your happiness, You can do it if you try.

  25. Agreements get better results than arguments.

  26. Health is Happiness.

  27. Life is a continual series of conflict situations, The way in which you respond to those situations determines your happiness.

  28. Think, Thank and Smile.

  29. Never go to sleep with an argument unsettled.

  30. A man rarely succeeds at anything unless he has fun doing it.

  31. Anticipation breeds frustration.

  32. He who lives content with little possesses everything.

  33. It is only the riches of the mind that make a man happy.

  34. If You are late in reaching the station, you can’t complain that the train left without you.

  35. Follow the river and you will go to the sea.

  36. If you sign a contract, any lawyer can break, it.  If you give your word, no one can break it.

  37. Happiness is never perfect until it is shared.

  38. When you try to spread happiness some of it sticks to you, too.

  39. He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty.

  40. Forgive and forget.

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