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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Article about Happy and Unhappy

Happiness and Your Ego

Who decides whether you shall be happy ?

The answer is, you Do.

Answer Explanation :

Many of us manufacture our own unhappiness.  Of course, not all unhappiness.  Of course,
not all unhappy is self created, social conditions are responsible for more than just a few of our woes.  Yet it is a fact that to a large extent, we distil out of the ingredients of life by our
expectations, thoughts and attitudes, either happiness or unhappiness for ourselves.

Most of the times your perceived unhappiness is created by your own ego, which is a
psychological self perception and nearly matches what you think of yourself.  Ego is the thing that coordinates.

  • The external demands of reality,

  • Your external environment and Your internal demands.

In other words it makes the necessary compromise between your internal demands and the  outside world.  There are so many problems created by life itself or which you have little or no control over that seem to dilute your happiness.  It is most foolish to distil more unhappiness into your own life on account of your ego.

Happiness and Your Ego

Happiness is Within Your Reach

Happiness is possible for everyone.  It is waiting for you! It is an achievement you can claim as your own.  You are not born happy, but, rather, you develop your capacity for happiness.  One step towards happiness can lead to another step.

Happiness is not achieved by devious or false methods.  The first step to building a state of happiness in your life is to raise the level of your own self-esteem.  Happiness is only within your reach if you first admit that it is a definite possibility.  Once you have reached that awareness, you can reorient your thinking and lifestyle towards happiness.

False Ideas About Happiness

Just as many people try to find or achieve happiness in undesirable and unrewarding ways, so also do many people have false, psychologically unsound ideas about happiness.  Do you suffer from the handicap of such ideas ?

A Common false idea about happiness is the single issue concept.  This is the idea that your happiness depends on one thing.  For example, often people equate happiness with being rich.  A woman may think she can only be happy if she has a particular kind of husband, or home or children.  A man may think he’ll be happy if he clinches a successful business deal.  If you are unhappy, ask yourself if you are practicing this exclusion principle in your life.

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