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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Good Communication Skills

The Art of Communication

The Art of Communication is a very important aspect in the whole process of developing a Powerful Personality.  The manner in which a person communicates is often taken with face value as the important quality of the person’s personality.  This simple but very important task can build or break any individual.

Communication Skills are an absolute necessity for a powerful personality, since it is also considered to be a factor for assessing the confidence level of the person.  It can be emphatically stated that communication skills determine the success of a personality in any given circumstance.

The essence of good communication skills includes the need to have an appropriate content to be communicated with clarity.  It must ensure a better understanding to the person to whom it is communicated.  Great Leaders and Powerful Personalities are essentially good communicators.

Rules For Communication

Communication can be seen as processes of information transmission governed by three levels of semiotic rules :

  1. Syntactic (formal properties of signs and symbols),

  2. Pragmatic (concerned with the relations between signs / expressions and their users) and

  3. Semantic (study of relationships between signs and symbols and what they represent) 

Therefore, communication is social interaction where at least two interacting agents share a common set of signs and a common set of semiotic rules.

Article About Communication Skills

Communication Points

  1. The foremost aspect in developing a good communication skill to have a ‘Natural Accent’ that is comfortable to the individual.  Never try to imitate any one while speaking.

  2. The important aspect of communication is to be clearly understood.  Speak with clarity in a consistent phase which will enable proper listening.

  3. When communicating develop proper body gestures.  Improper body gestures affect the
    communication process.  Avoid being in a stiff posture while communicating.

  4. Voice Control is to be adjusted according to the situation.  When you are talking person to person, then you need not speak aloud.  When you are addressing a gathering, then you must be heard by everyone.

  5. Established proper eye contact while communicating indicates that you are a confident person. 
    You have to attach importance to the person whom you are communicating with; this is a significant factor that makes your communication a success.

  6. Prepare in your mind in advance before starting to communicate.  The thought flow is a critical aspect in communication.  If you plan what you want to communicate, then you can deliver it

  7. If you are asked to speak in a crowd or to a group, grab that opportunity.  This is a task that will showcase you personality to the others.  Never deny such opportunities and later
    worry that you have missed a golden chance.

  8. Understand the various settings in communicating like, talking with friends, speaking in a classroom, speaking with superiors, speaking to professional persons, public speaking, Communicating in an interview etc.

  9. Reading helps you to develop a powerful communication skill that is permanent.  Wide reading makes you comfortable with new words and presentation of thoughts in an organized manner.

  10. Get yourself acquainted with communication gadgets like stand mike, cordless mike and collar Mike.  Modern communication is not possible without these gadgets.

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