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Friday, May 12, 2023

Educational and Industrial Research Projects

Educational Research Projects

The Students who are studying Research Courses like M.Phil and PhD want to do their Research
Projects to complete their Curriculum. The Research Programs are Conducted by University, Affiliated Colleges and Registered Research Institutes.

The following are the Departments can do Research Projects.

Humanities Departments like

  • Tamil,

  • English,

  • Mathematics,

  • Statistics,

  • Physics,

  • Chemistry.

Science Courses like

  • Computer Science,

  • Biology,

  • Commerce,

  • Management,

  • Agriculture Courses,

  • B.Ed Education Projects,

  • Medical Course Projects.

  • Nursing Projects.
    Educational Research Projects

Engineering Projects

  • Mechanical Engineering,

  • Automobile Engineering,

  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering,

  • Computer Science and Engineering,

  • B.Tech Information Technology,

  • M.Tech Projects etc.,

Example for Educational Research Projects

FMCG Sales Product in Soft Drink

The Student of Commerce and Management M.Phil or Ph.D can do the Research Project in FMCG
Products.  The Student have to choose the particular Area where how the Customer are Purchasing a Soft Drink like Tea, Coffee Powder and Other Drink Powder.

The M.Phil or Ph.D Student have to Prepare a Document for all those Research Projects.

The Documents like

  • Data Collection,

  • Feasibility Study,

  • Preparing a Document of Data Collection,

  • Analyze the Document,

  • Finalize the Project Study.

  • Report Generation for Project for every stages.

  • Record of Research Project are Prepared.

  • Signature are got from the Authorized Faculty.

  • Viva Vice are Attended on the Particular Date.

Computer Science Research Project

The Student of Computer Science Department for M.Phil or Ph.D have to choose the Area of
Research Project.  The following are the Work have to done for Computer Science Research Project.

  • Background Study,

  • Existing System Study,

  • Proposed System Study,

  • Report Generation for Every Process,

Industrial Research Project

In Company a Separate RND Research Department are there for future Products Development.  The Research Department Staff have to do a Project for a Products Release.  The New Product Features are Designed and applied to the Product and send to the Market for Study.  The Customer Feedback are collected and applied to the Product and Finally Released to the Market for Usage.

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