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Sunday, October 29, 2023

Coimbatore Wild Life Tourist Places

Coimbatore Near By Tourist Place

Most People

The wildlife and the image most people conjure up is that of tigers, wild boars, deer and bison roaming free in the wild.  True as that might be, very often, the many kinds of birds that are as much a part of our forests, national parks and wildlife reserves, rarely get a mention.

Naturally Flourish

The region around coimbatore is geographically blessed such that flora and fauna naturally flourish
here.  That combined with the government’s efforts in a bid to replenish the region with native breeds as well as migratory ones has been fairly successful.  “A lot more still needs to be done to get the region back to its original glory.  But considering the urban development that has happened in the area in the past 10 Years.

Attract Migratory Birds

Coimbatore and its surrounding regions have managed to retain quite a few species of native breeds as well as attract migratory birds.  The Annamalai Wildlife Sanctuary which is about 60 kms from Coimbatore City, is one of the most frequented places for bird sightings”, says Dhanuparan, student and passionate bird watcher.

Coimbatore Near By Tourist Place

Plants And Trees

Nature lovers in the region seem to concur on the fact that the natural glory of the region is what it is, only because of the fauna in the region.  “Although interdependent, people seem to care much more and living, breathing animals as compared to plants and trees.  The fact that the entire ecology of a region is almost always negatively affected just by the disappearance of a single species, is lost on most people”, says Sidharth Rao, businessman and avid bird watcher and wildlife enthusiasts have contributed to this in a big way.

Wild Life Activities

According to Shagant r, Media Professional and wildlife enthusiast, the plethora and flora and fauna in the areas surrounding Coimbatore are the reason the region has seen a surge in wild life activities.  “Areas like the Vellangiri hills, Mudumalai, Cuddalore, Bukkapuram and Singanallur see a lot of visitors these days.  Earlier bird spotting used to be part of the regular safaris at national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, but the activity has grown.

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